Weekly horoscope: 2 astrologers' predictions for Monday 28th February—Sunday 6th March

Curious to know what the week has in store for you?

weekly horoscope
(Image credit: wenbin / Getty Images)

Read your weekly horoscope from expert astrologers Sally Morgan and Penny Thornton, and discover what's in store for the week ahead...

Astrology is no doubt a fascinating subject—in fact, it's one of the most interesting hobbies for women if you're keen to look into the topic more. While your 2022 horoscope will provide a look into the next 12 months, our weekly horoscopes will help provide a guide for your next seven days. Our resident world-class psychic astrologers forecast for every star sign on love, family, career and more. So check back weekly for our free forecast!

About our astrologers


Penny Thornton is a world-renowned astrologer, and has been sharing horoscopes with woman&home readers for many years.

Classically trained by the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, she was previously the personal astrologer to Diana, Princess of Wales. She has since taught and lectured across the world, and has had eight astrological books published, including Synastry, a benchmark book in the industry.


Sally Morgan is a popular British astrologer and psychic, having appeared on numerous TV shows throughout the years.

Sally is well known for her live stage shows and TV shows, which see her delivering psychic readings to members of the public. She also offers private readings, has published multiple books, and even has her own podcast 'Voices with Sally Morgan'.

Weekly horoscope, Monday 28th February—Sunday 6th March

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Aries are born between March 21—April 19. Aries is the first fire sign in the zodiac, with the symbol of an Aries being a ram. Aries are typically passionate, confident, and motivated. 

"If life has been a little on the dull side recently, here come some rocket-powered influences. They could take you far or they could give you a welcome wake-up call."

Penny Thornton

"A good friend will be very useful when they offer to lend you a helping hand doing something you’ve been putting off for ages. An appreciative gesture will be welcomed."

Sally Morgan

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Taurus horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Taurus' are born between April 20-May 20. Taurus is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Taurus being a bull. Taurians are typically hardworking, intelligent, and dedicated.

"This is quite a revealing week. Whether you are in awe of what is going on in the world, or discovering things you never knew about your own small realm."

Penny Thornton

"You’re a strong leader, but so are others family members, work together. A new person walks into your life at a virtual book signing and you’re part of their story."

Sally Morgan

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Gemini horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Geminis are born between May 21-June 21. Gemini is an air sign, with the symbol of a Gemini being twins. Geminis are typically easy-going, enthusiastic and sociable—but are said to have two sides to their personality.

"Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the kitchen… Then again, nothing should surprise you about what happens because it has been brewing for a while."

Penny Thornton

"Money is at the forefront, you can do better than the first offer as you make an excellent living in a creative field, especially if you’re an artist or writer."

Sally Morgan

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Cancers are born between June 21-July 22. Cancer is a water sign, with the symbol of a Cancer being a crab. Cancers are typically loyal, caring, and very protective over loved ones.

"You may have been putting off making a decision, but either it is out of your hands now or events will empower you. Some things you really don’t need anymore."

Penny Thornton

"It’s a terrific week, you'll find there's a great deal of power at your disposal. You have the opportunity to start over and create a solid base to work from."

Sally Morgan

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Leos are born between July 23-August 22. Leo is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Leo being a Lion. Leos are typically confident, comfortable being the center of attention, and big-hearted. 

"This is a week with the wow factor. It is either over-the-top fabulous or quite the reverse. What you need to keep in mind is that growth always requires change."

Penny Thornton

"Reach out to someone you haven't seen for ages, particularly when you learn they’re planning something big in their life and they’ll ask you to be a part of it."

Sally Morgan

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Virgos are born between August 23-September 22. Virgo is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Virgo being a 'maiden'. Virgos are typically hardworking, reliable, and stubborn.

"Whatever takes place in this part of the year is meant to be. Jupiter is bringing blessings and a level of protection should your plans get thrown up in the air."

Penny Thornton

"A neighbour asks you to help them rewire some electrical equipment. It may sound complicated, but you’re happy when you only need to rewire a plug or change a lightbulb."

Sally Morgan

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Libras are born between September 23-October 22. Libra is an air sign, with the symbol of a Libra being scales. Libras are typically diplomatic, fair, and very sociable.

"Whatever you do this week, please don’t join the headless chickens. Wait until the dust has settled before you decide these events are to your advantage or cause for concern."

Penny Thornton

"Stop daydreaming and listen closely to what your partner has to say, as their conversation could be life-changing. You have waited a long time for this, so accept graciously."

Sally Morgan

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Scorpios are born between October 23-November 21. Scorpio is a water sign, with the symbol of a Scorpio being a scorpion. Scorpios are typically brave, determined, and ambitious. 

"You may not immediately see the purpose behind events, nor should you try to. The most important thing is to remain serene and sane, and avoid playing the blame game."

Penny Thornton

"Pluto’s in direct motion, and you’re on the receiving end of a higher than usual amount of compliments and attention. Your energy is attracting people from all walks of life."

Sally Morgan

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Sagittarius horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Sagittarius' are born between November 22-December 21. Sagittarius is a fire sign, with the symbol of a Sagittarius being a bow and arrow. Sagittarius' are typically optimistic, fun-loving, and intellectual. 

"Allow all developments to properly sink in before you decide to take any action. A new and important cycle is beginning, first in regard to home and second, your career."

Penny Thornton

"Look at things from a different perspective, it’s not always the first thing you say that win’s a discussion. The more you see the other side, the greater the understanding."

Sally Morgan

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Capricorns are born between December 22-January 19. Capricorn is an earth sign, with the symbol of a Capricorn being a sea-goat. Capricorns are typically very hard-working, persistent, and sensitive.

"If you have a birthday on or near January 17th, this is one of the most important periods of 2022. There are no half-ways: you’re either all in or all out."

Penny Thornton

"With Venus and Mars in your sign you’re creating a unique atmosphere, that ensures success when you’re sharing your thoughts and feelings discussing love, travel, house moves and future plans."

Sally Morgan

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Aquarius' are born between January 20-February 18. Aquarius is an air sign, with the symbol of Aquarius being a water-bearer. Aquarians are typically assertive, analytical, and independent.

"It could have been quiet for weeks then suddenly it’s all going on. You have more power than you think, but use it wisely and take your time with it."

Penny Thornton

"There’s lots of energy in the universe helping you create a new life. You’re having vivid dreams with genius, creative ideas or which predict things that are going to happen."

Sally Morgan

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Pisces' are born between February 19-March 20. Pisces is a water sign, with the symbol of Pisces being two fish. Pisces men and women are typically empathetic, romantic, and imaginative.

"A new moon in Pisces ushers in a new era. With fortunate Jupiter in the mix, you could be a very happy bunny right now. If not, your time will come."

Penny Thornton

"There is a need scrutinise something you are doing. Manage the drama factor before you arrange to meet with colleagues. Creating an agenda and following it will bring significant change."

Sally Morgan
Penny Thornton
Astrologer and author

Penny Thornton is an astrologer and author. Classically trained by the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London, she was awarded its Diploma in 1977. Penny has had eight books published including Synastry, the astrology of relationships and most recently, Astrology in the Workplace.

She combines her work as a serious astrologer with writing columns for magazines in the UK and Europe and appearing on television. In the year 2000 she established Astrolutely.com, now one of the top astrology sites in the world.

In her former life, Penny was a member of the Royal Ballet Company.