Tarotscope November 2022: What do the cards have in store for your star sign this month?

Your November tarotscope, read by expert Tree Carr, combines astrology and tarot cards to help you plan the month ahead

Tarotscope November 2022: Closeup image of fortune teller predicting fate with tarot cards in dark room with burning candles
(Image credit: DragonImages/Getty Images)

Your tarotscope November 2022 comes as fall is truly upon us and winter fast approaches.

Having moved through the harmonious balancing act of Libra Season 2022 it is now the shifting of the tide into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio Season 2022 which brings with it a magnetic pull into the mysterious unconscious realms. Add to that all the potential bedlam of Mars retrograde 2022, which kicked off on October 20, and it's no wonder you might seek extra guidance this month on top of your weekly horoscope!

So, how will you navigate the intense and transformative Scorpionic energies as you move into the month of November? 


A tarotscope is simply a tarot reading with a card pulled for each astrological star sign. It’s a bit like a horoscope but with tarot thrown in the mix. I will be pulling one tarot card from the legendary Rider-Waite deck for each and every one of you lovely zodiacal beings. This beautiful and concise deck has 78 cards, made up of minor and major arcana. Each card has a different meaning when it's upside down, or reversed as we say in tarot.

Here's your sign's tarotscope for November 2022, read on for your star sign’s forecast.

Your tarotscope November 2022 

Tarotscope November 2022: Closeup image of fortune teller flipping tarot cards on table in front of her.

(Image credit: DragonImages/Getty Images)


Tarot card:  Reversed High Priestess

Message:  Go inwards

Hello Aries! This month it would do you well to step away from the drama of your external circumstances and focus on connecting to the stillness within you. If people’s actions, words or gossip is getting you down, remove your energy from the situation and focus it on your self-care. The High Priestess in this position is prompting you to really listen to your intuition at this time and to recede into your spiritual practices. Meditation and journaling could be very helpful for you this month as you journey into a deeper connection to your source energy within. Do not doubt your intuition, it is there to guide you.

Mantra: ‘I trust my intuition’


Tarot card:  Reversed Nine of Cups

Message: You can’t buy happiness

Happy November dear Taurus, this month there is some guidance around your happiness. If you find yourself looking to your external worlds for fulfillment and joy you might find that it comes up empty for you. Focusing on material gain or ego satisfaction will not bring emotional or spiritual fulfillment. It’s time to go inwards for your happiness. Engaging in gratitude practice, meditation and journaling would be helpful ways for you to connect to the happiness realm within. 

Mantra: ‘Happiness is within me’


Tarot card:  Reversed Ace of Pentacles

Message: Be mindful with money

Hey there Gemini! The month of November requires a bit of mindfulness around all money matters. Be careful with your expenditures and don’t rush ahead on anything binding such as loans. There could also be obstacles around financial opportunities or setbacks around finding new work. If you were planning on launching a new project or business this month, this could be a prompt to make sure that the planning and foresight on the project are solid. 

Mantra: ‘I will question before I buy.’ 


Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles

Message:  Improve your skills

Time to focus on some work dear Cancerians. Whether it’s learning a new skill, taking a course, or putting more hours in at work - it will all pay off. You are working towards a goal and developing expertise in the process. After all the hard work, allow yourself some play too, and don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back. You are doing so well! 

Mantra:  ‘I am focusing at the task at hand’ 


Tarot card: Reversed King of Cups

Message: Be mindful of your emotions

Lovely Leo, November’s Scorpionic effect could pull at your emotions. You may find yourself more sensitive, moody, or easily triggered. When emotions dramatically arise, see it as a chance to review your wellbeing. Under the deep waters of your subconscious is the root cause of why you are emotionally triggered. Your emotions are manifesting in order to get your attention to balance or heal. If you need a helping hand, look into a therapist or counselor that can help you integrate your emotional experiences. 

Mantra: ‘I balance my emotions’ 


Tarot card: Reversed Eight of Wands

Message: Stop resisting change

Hello Virgo! This month it would be advantageous for you to let go and be in the flow. It’s important to keep the energy moving this month. If you are feeling resistant to change, feeling blocked or feeling frustrated by obstacles, shift up your energy and trust the flow of the universe. It will require your patience as delays and setbacks can be a challenge. Everything in life is in flux and the only constant is change. When you free your energy you make space for some movement, so don’t dig into the situation, let it go and watch it flow. 

Mantra: ‘I am embracing change’ 


Tarot card: Reversed Two of Pentacles

Message: Get organized

Dear Libra, if the stresses of an overloaded schedule are getting to you this month, allow yourself some time to sit down and get organized. Budgets, work, and responsibilities could be highlighted. Be mindful to not take on too much and focus on what is actually working for you right now. You may have to turn down a few things in order to restore balance. What do you want to spend your time and energy on? Bring it back to what aligns with you.

Mantra: ‘I am restoring balance’


Tarot card: Reversed Strength

Message:  Restore your energy

It’s birthday month for many of you Scorpios out there and although it’s empowering being in your season, there is a message here to restore your energy. Use the Scoprionic transformative energy to recharge yourself. If you’ve been feeling a lack of confidence, depleted, or disconnected from your inner world, now is the chance to get a boost. Pull back from the world and find yourself some rest. Engage in meditation, yoga, journaling, or reading and emerge refreshed in no time. 

Mantra: ‘I am connecting to my inner strength’


Tarot card: Nine of Wands

Message: You’ve got this!

Hello Sagittarius. In the month of November, you may find yourself feeling exhausted especially if you are undergoing challenges. However, you are strong and so near to the breakthrough. Be mindful of your energy levels and take the respite that you need when you need it. Your perseverance will shine through and help fuel you for the final leg of the challenge. 

Mantra:  ‘I am resilient’  


Tarot card:  The Fool

Message: Take a leap of faith

Trust where the universe is taking you this month Capricorn! Be open-minded and take the plunge into the unknown. Flow with the spontaneity of life, have fun, laugh, and be carefree. If you are struggling to make any decisions this month, feel into it with your heart, activate your free spirit, and jump into the adventure!

Mantra:  ‘ I am following my heart’


Tarot card:  The Moon

Message:  Lean into your fears

Hello Aquarius, the month of November with all of its intense Scorpionic water energy is highlighting areas in your deep unconscious realms. It’s time to see what’s going on under the hood of the car! Emotions, fears, phobias, or past wounds from childhood may surface at this time. This is all happening in order for you to heal. Pay attention to your dreams and write them down. There could be some guidance from them. Engage in a full moon ritual or speak with a friend, counselor or therapist to help you along your transcendent path. 

Mantra:  ‘ I embrace my healing path’ 


Tarot card: Reversed Page of Wands

Message: Inspiration comes from within

Dear Pisces, deep within you there is something that longs to emerge. Obstacles, setbacks, and disappointments may have gotten you down, but within you is a fire. The Scorpionic energy of November is perfect for you to embark upon an intense spiritual journey. Connect to your inner fire and commit yourself to the process of spiritual transformation and watch your external world unfold into the life that you desire. 

Mantra: ‘ I am on a path of spiritual discovery ’

Tree Carr
Dream guide, death doula, and divinatory guide

Tree Carr is a published author who works in the esoteric realms of dreams, death, and divination. Her published books include 'Conscious Dreamer' and ‘DREAMS: How to Connect With Your Dreams to Enrich Your Life'.

Tree is also a CPD Crossfields Institute Certified Death Doula. Her work as an End of Life Guide involves helping people spiritually, emotionally, existentially and practically at the end of their lives.

As an intuitive empath, she is self-taught in divinatory guidance: The Tarot, Rune Stones and Astrology and has facilitated readings, rituals, classes, and courses spanning a wide variety of esoteric subjects. 

With contributions from