March full Moon 2022—how this full Moon will affect your star sign

March full Moon 2022 is a reminder that the little things matter—and can help create a sense of purpose in times of uncertainty

Match full moon 2022—Moon stars and cherry blossoms.
(Image credit: Project with vigour/Aflo/Getty Images)

The March full Moon 2022 is in Virgo. This lunation is a reminder that the little things matter and can help create a sense of purpose in times of uncertainty.

Pisces season kicked off with a tremendous amount of challenges and it's understandable why many may look to the Moon calendar 2022 for guidance. 

After the New moon in March 2022 suggested a supercharged time to manifest, and keeping in mind it's merely days before Spring Equinox 2022—what should each star sign expect from this lunation?


The Virgo full Moon 2022 takes place on March 18, with the Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo opposing the Sun at 27 degrees of Pisces. This March Moon, also known as the Worm Moon, has an interesting forecast for the month ahead.

This full Moon is the climax phase of a lunar cycle that began on September 17, 2020, in the Virgo/Pisces axis of your astrology birth chart. Think back to any projects, relationships, important conversations, or new beginnings you may have initiated around that time, as this full moon can bring these topics back up for completion or clarity.



You’re known as a sign that tends to charge forward, a fire sign that takes control. But can you imagine a scenario where you’re not in the command post? Reflect on that idea that perhaps you could make life easier on yourself if you release control of what you cannot and focus on what you can, Aries. You may find you find the freedom you crave when you release the reins.


The full Moon is about unveiling something you created and for Earth signs like you this is can be physical or symbolic. You can be a notoriously private sign, Taurus, and you like to keep things simple. But that shouldn’t come at the cost of celebrating your wins, victories, and achievements. Tell the world what you’re proud of. Show them what you made. It can be big or small, but no matter what, it’s yours.


Your keyword for this full Moon is 'declutter.' Perhaps consider how to declutter your home and move forward. Yes, it’s a physical form of release, but one that could also yield mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits as well. Use this energy and channel into editing your closets, removing anything that once served its purpose but now no longer does, thank it, and release it. And then really celebrate how far you’ve come in that time.


You play your cards close to the chest, Cancer. Sometimes you can find yourself choosing to not say something and letting the moment pass. But this full Moon is asking you to communicate from the heart. If words are difficult, find a perfect song lyric, poem, or quote to say what’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s in the searching for the words that the healing can begin.


You’re hard work, Leo. As a Fire sign and a fixed sign, you’re loyal and dedicated to your tasks—and you have the stick-to-it-iveness to get the job done. But do you know what you’re working for? Working towards? Life is not all about work. It is about rewards too. So if there has ever been a cosmic invitation to treat yourself to something, however small, now is the time.


You help others by first helping yourself, Virgo. You have a huge heart and want to help others, but it does not need to come at the cost of yourself, your time, your dignity, or your energy. Release the burden or urge to fix everyone else. Remember that you must be your own oxygen mask on first before you can assist others.


You’re known as the social butterfly of the zodiac, Libra, but can you use this full moon just for yourself? Can you prioritize your own spiritual well-being? Can you focus on downtime? Maybe subscribe to the best sleep-guided meditations and prioritize rest. Can you focus on not responding to a text or an invitation or any other kind of provocation? Sit with the silence and see what your inner voice is trying to get you to hear.


This full Moon is asking you to take a deep, close look at the people in your circle. The ones who celebrate and support you. And the ones who don’t clap when you win. If this lunar cycle has asked you to focus on anything, Scorpio, it’s about who is in your corner—and who does or doesn’t deserve to be there. Align yourself with like-minded souls like yours by using your honed and much-famed discernment.


You’re at a completion cycle, Sagittarius. Perhaps you’ve noticed an increase in the weight of your responsibilities. Perhaps juggling that much-sought-after, but very hard-to-attain work-life balance still feels like a constant battle. This full Moon is asking you to release what you already know you must so you can live a life more aligned with what you know your true purpose is.


What if you could let go of always needing to be right, Capricorn? As a sign, you’re right often. But where might that get in the way of you being able to be surprised, to discover something new, to have a fresh perspective? Can you use this full Moon to feel into a more nuanced style of being, like the mutable signs of Virgo and Pisces are asking of you? You might just like it.


During this full Moon, reflect and assess where you may be giving away your power—by giving away your energy without getting anything back. Reciprocity is not transactional. Nor is it about a tit-for-tat, give-and-take that leaves everyone keeping score. But it is about an equal exchange of support in a mutually agreed upon way. Ensure that you’re getting back too, Aquarius.


The little things matter, especially in relationships, Pisces. On this full Moon, notice something small or perform a tiny favor for your partner. Can you try the show-and-tell approach of verbalizing your appreciation for someone and then demonstrating that you mean it? A little goes a long way in deepening the connection, bond, and sense of intimacy between both of you. 

Astrologer and tarot reader

Maria Sofia is a Greek-American writer, astrologer, Tarot reader, and intuitive. She is a lifelong lover and student of the stars, who has been practicing divination and magic for 20+ years. 

Maria is Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Virgo Rising. Her favorite natal placement in her chart is her Virgo Mercury conjunct the ascendant that makes her a fast writer and talker and she smiles anytime she pulls the Queen of Wands or the Nine of Pentacles.