8 amusing Prince George photos, just because it's his 8th birthday

Prince George is celebrating his eighth birthday at home at Kensington Palace

TOPSHOT - Britain's Prince George arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLE (Photo credit should read RICHARD POHLE/AFP via Getty Images)
(Image credit: TOPSHOT - Britain's Prince George arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's school in Battersea, southwest London on September 7, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / POOL / RICHARD POHLE (Photo credit should read RICHARD POHLE/AFP via Getty Images))

Get the balloons and streamers out—it's time for a royal birthday. 

Prince George is celebrating his eighth birthday at home at Kensington Palace today, where he will be joined by his close family members for a small party. 

It's been revealed that preparations have already been underway for the exciting event, with the Cambridges' matriarch Kate Middleton staying up late ahead of Prince George's 8th birthday to whip up a homemade cake for her three children. 

The Royal Family treated the public to a glimpse of Prince George "looking so much like his dad" in an adorable new birthday portrait this morning, but it looks like that'll be the extent of the updates for the time being. 

The future King is expected to mark the special occasion at home with his parents with games and presents, just like any regular kid. To keep royal fans satisfied though, we thought we'd crack open the royal archives and unearth some of Prince George's best photos over the past few years. So without further ado, here's our pick of the adorable schoolchild's most iconic Kodak moments. 

1. Prince George on his first day at school 

Prince George

(Image credit: Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

He may be royal, but when it comes to those back-to-school blues, Prince George is just like any other kid. The adorable pupil was snapped pulling this displeased face on his first day of term at Thomas's Battersea in 2019—after Prince William and Kate Middleton looked away, of course. 

2. Prince George on a seaplane in Canada 

Prince George

(Image credit: Stephen Lock - Pool/Getty Images)

We have a feeling the future King isn't a big fan of heights. With his squished-up face and dubious eyes, Prince George didn't look too impressed on this seaplane ride during a trip to Canada in 2016 with his family. Luckily, the flight didn't last long, circling above the Victoria harbor for just 15 minutes. 

3. Prince George at the Queen's birthday 

Prince George

(Image credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Prince George is giving us major Monday morning vibes with this one. The mini royal couldn't hide his exasperation at the Queen's birthday celebrations, the Trooping the Color, back in 2019—and it didn't go unnoticed. The Duke of Cambridge could be seen trying to placate his tired firstborn throughout the event, affectionately gripping his shoulders and bending down to comfort him. 

4. Prince George on a German helicopter model 

Prince George

(Image credit: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Maybe choppers are more Prince George's thing? The royal heir made this angelic expression on a family trip to a Hamburg airport in 2017, where he was treated to a private tour of the facility's awesome helicopter models. 

5. Prince George at the Queen's birthday... again! 

Prince George

(Image credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Are you starting to see a pattern? Prince George seems to have a slight aversion to his great-grandmother's extravagant birthday festivities, pulling this hilarious face at the Trooping the Color in 2017. 

6. Prince George at a children's party in Canada 

Prince George

(Image credit: Pool/Sam Hussein/WireImage)

Prince George may be one of the wealthiest children in the world, but that doesn't mean he needs fancy toys to have fun. The sweet tot couldn't get enough of these giant bubble wands at a children's party for military families in Canada back in 2016. 

7. Prince George at an airport in Poland 

Prince George

(Image credit: Samir Hussein/Samir Hussein/WireImage)

Long flights get the best of us all. Prince George didn't look too happy upon landing in Warsaw for a five-day visit back in 2017, even going so far as to refuse to get off the plane. 

The mischievous tot was reportedly over the whole trip before it even started, having endured a hectic morning and an early flight to make their midday appointment with the Polish President. Now that's what we call a royal rebellion. 

8. Prince George at the Euro 2020 Finals 

Prince George

(Image credit: Eamonn McCormack - UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images)

Prince George wore a slightly more serious expression during his latest public appearance—and with good reason. The young royal was spotting cheering on England's Three Lions in their match against Italy at the Euro 2020 Finals, only to fall noticeably somber in the wake of their defeat. Luckily, he had Kate and Will standing on each side of him to offer some much-needed comfort following the devastating loss. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.