‘Why I feel sexy at 60!’ Ruth Langsford on learning to accept her shape and how husband Eamonn Holmes keeps her young

She’s an accomplished television personality, one half of our favourite presenting duo and is now a successful fashion designer – it really seems there’s nothing Ruth Langsford can’t do.

And to top it all, she’s just celebrated a major milestone – turning 60 a couple of weeks ago. However, she shows no signs of slowing down – there’s her Friday slot on This Morning with husband Eamonn Holmes, their Channel 5 documentaries together, a regular hosting gig on Loose Women, a fashion line with QVCUK and lots of travel plans to make with Eamonn now their son Jack, 18, is heading off to university.

During our chat it’s easy to see why Ruth is so easy to relate to. There’s no pretend chat about ’loving’ her curves. She’s upfront, honest and shoots from the hip, even if she doesn’t love them! When talking about her body, she reveals, ’If I’m honest, do I like my wobbly bits? No I don’t. I don’t love them, but I accept them. Of course I don’t look in the mirror and say, “I love you, cellulite!”’

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It’s lucky then that husband Eamonn is on hand to boost her confidence – Ruth admits he regularly showers her with compliments – in contrast to the squabbling couple we often see on This Morning. It’s these hilarious on-screen fallouts that make the couple relatable and that resonate with the audience. And, as she emerges from one of the toughest periods of her life after losing her sister Julia in June last year, Ruth has the nation firmly on her side.

Who would have thought at 60 I’d be designing clothes and on TV talking about my style? I can’t believe my luck and I am so grateful because I’ve never seen myself like that. It’s so thrilling when people contact me or even stop me in the street to comment on my range for QVCUK. Eamonn has women who’ve stopped him to say, ’Just to let you know I’m wearing Ruth’s jeans, tell her they’re fantastic.’ That’s why I’m doing this.

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I definitely feel sexy at 60, but a big part of that is thanks to my husband.I do have a certain degree of confidence myself, but it’s not that high. I still think, ’I’m two sizes bigger than I was in my 40s.’ I’ve got my wobbly bits I don’t like. I don’t have Botox or fillers so I see pictures of myself and go ’Is that me? Whose neck is that?’ Most of the time it doesn’t bother me and a lot of my friends who aren’t in TV, well, we all look like this. Eamonn makes me feel sexy. He tells me ‘You look fantastic, I think you’re really sexy, I fancy you.’ That’s great. He definitely boosts my confidence.

I try not to get hung up on my body shape and size. I like to enjoy my life – I like to eat cake, I like to have a drink and I like to veg out sometimes. Other times I’m like, ’Come on Ruth, you haven’t done anything today and your legs are too wobbly, you need to do some exercise.’I aim for 10,000 steps a day, but it’s a constant battle. It’s not about being skinny or losing weight for me, it’s about keeping moving. I’ve started resistance training. I don’t go mad, I’m not body building. But it’s trying to find things you enjoy. I quite like lifting weights.

Ruth Langsford’s fashion collection is only available at QVC, to discover more visit qvcuk.com

For our full interview and shoot with Ruth, pick up the May issue of woman&home on sale now

Miranda McMinn is the editor of woman&home magazine, the brand that prides itself on celebrating, supporting, and inspiring midlife women. Previously she has worked on magazines and newspapers including Marie Claire, Red, The Times, the Observer, and the Daily Mail.

A midlife warrior herself, Miranda has three children and has a passion for country walks, log fires, and winter swimming—she swims all year round in the Hampstead Ladies Pond and heartily recommends it—nothing like a dip in a 4 degree pond to get you ready to face the day!