Why Aren't The Scales Shifting?

Woman on scales photo
Woman on scales photo
(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Eating right and exercising often but can't seem to shift the pounds? Read on to find out how to get the scales moving again.

Are you eating right and exercising regularly but just can't seem to get those scales moving? Dieting can be a hugely maddening task, with many of us finding the first few weeks a breeze before the weight loss stops and then the struggle begins. And as anyone who has hit the dreaded weight loss plateau knows - it's incredibly frustrating!

So what are the best ways to lose weight for good? Whatever diet you're following, even if it's just simply cutting back of junk food, our bodies tend to adjust and react to the changes we make. But then once the initial shock of changing your diet has died down, the body relaxes. And that's when many people see that their weight loss tends to stop.

But fear not, there are methods we can use and daily routines that can be changed to help kick start the weight loss once again and get those scales moving towards your goal!

We've rounded up ten of the best way to lose weight when the scales stop shifting. What's our first weight loss tip? Eliminate the stress!

Believe it or not, stress can stop us from losing weight thanks to the stress hormone, cortisol. Constant worry and anxiety can keep cortisol levels high in our system, increasing blood pressure and encouraging the body to eat sugary, high calorie foods for energy. This is perfect if you're caught in a sticky spot which requires lots of energy, but it's not so perfect when you're sat at a desk all day stressing over spreadsheets. Try relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation to keep the body calm, or alternatively try some natural stress-busting remedies.

Read on to find nine more best ways to lose weight when the scales stop moving...

Mix up our workout

Mix up our workout

Getting ourselves motivated to get up and exercise can be tricky enough as it is, but once we have started we all tend to fall into the habit of sticking to what we know and enjoy. But for the body to burn fat it needs to be shocked into action. Shake up your routine by throwing in some new classes or techniques into your weekly workout. Try your hand at weight training for burning off excess fat around the middle and interval training for a great fat burning workout.

Eat the right way

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Eat the right way

We've all been brought up thinking that the right way to eat is one big meal, three times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. But nutritionists are now claiming that it's a lot better for our digestion to actually eat small amounts regularly and often, between five and six meals the same size throughout the day. Smaller portions are easier to digest and eating regularly keeps the metabolism active so we burn more energy.

Get up and move

Get up and move

Our bodies are not designed to sit still all day long, and most of us tend to do just that. We get up and get in a car, bus or train, we then sit all day long at a desk, and then sit again all the way home and often in the evening, plonk ourselves down on the sofa. It's compulsory to keep moving throughout the day - whether its getting up every hour from your desk for a quick stroll, taking the train or bus and getting off a stop or two earlier and walking, or making yourself go to that gym class when you get home from work. The weight will soon start to shift with just these simple changes.

Get some Vitamin D

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Get some Vitamin D

Vitamin D is vital for weight loss and many of us are deficient in this little miracle essential. Working alongside leptin, the vitamin works to send signals to the brain to let it know when the stomach is full. Without Vitamin D, leptin isn't strong enough to send the signal on its own and we overeat! Although Vitamin D is absorbed through the skin from sunlight, it can also be taken in supplement form - a far healthier option! Grab yours today and incorporate it into your daily routine.

Chew properly

Chew properly

When you sit down to a meal, how often do you actually consciously think about the food your chewing? We all tend to wolf it down and, before we know it, the entire plate is empty! Make a conscious effort to chew your food until its almost liquid in your mouth. This might not sound appetising, but it helps receptors in the brain acknowledge when your full sooner and aids digestion. Aswell as allowing you to enjoy the tastes and flavours in your meal a lot more!

Get a good sleep

Get a good sleep

After a few hours sleep, even if you feel rested and ready for the day, the body still needs seven hours a night to digest, repair and recover from the day before. And getting enough shut eye is crucial for dropping those unwanted pounds. Lack of sleep also increases the hormone ghrelin in the body which tells the brain its hungry, as well as reducing leptin which tells the brains its full. So we end up gorging on sugary, high carb meals to give us energy and fill us up. A vicious cycle. Struggle to get to sleep? Our sleep experts can help you out.

Stop yo-yo dieting

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Stop yo-yo dieting

Yo-Yo dieting is a well known no no for long-term weight loss. Sticking to a healthy eating regime for life will help you to maintain a healthy weight but stopping and starting won't. If you drop ten pounds on a diet, then stop, you'll will more than likely gain those ten pounds - and more - back! If you find a diet or plan that fits well into your life and works for you, stick it out for the longterm and don't give up! And if you find yourself starting diets and giving up in just a few weeks, stop trying them all together and just concentrate on eating well.

Eat the good fats

Eat the good fats

Many of us avoid fatty foods like the plague when we're trying to lose weight, but that could actually be the reason we can't drop those pounds. Good fats are essential, the body needs fat to burn fat, so try adding in olive oil, nuts, avocados and fresh fish into your diet.

Be patient

Be patient

If you're eating well and exercising the right way then just being patient with your body will help you to see results. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, and after the initial drop, tends to plateau as the body adjusts. But give your body time and the results will happen. And if it doesn't seem to be quick enough, then try adjusting your goals. The end of the week weigh in will be much more satisfying if you reach a one pound weight loss goal rather than the six month 20 pound!

Jennifer Kyte
Freelance writer

Jennifer Kyte is an experienced editor and writer specialising in women's lifestyle and celebrity interviews. She has worked for national publications both in the UK and Australia for the last 15 years covering everything and anything from royal, celebrity, health, and real life to major news events.