The New Atkins Diet

Woman standing on scales

The Atkins diet has been re-worked to make it healthier, easier and sustainable - discover the New Atkins Diet and delicious Atkins-friendly recipes from woman&home

It was once regarded as one of the biggest fad diets in the industry but recently, the Aktins Diet has reformed itself as a refreshing new healthy eating plan that you can actually stick to.

Ditching the old principles that have been heavily criticised for their questionable health benefits – such as prohibiting any other food group apart from protein and fat - that have been heavily criticised, the new approach introduces vegetables and berries. Even bread and potatoes have slipped in to the diet plan. The adaptations to the diet plan mean that it is a much healthier diet with a richer variety of food groups that maintain a balanced diet

Even though the diet plan has changed, the Atkins diet still promises you will lose weight. In fact, people who have followed the diet have reported losing as much as a stone in the first two weeks of sticking to the diet plan. All that is required is you follow the restrictions on your intake of carbohydrates, vegetables and dessert rules, to make sure you are eating all the right foods and none of the wrong ones...

Click through for your guide to the New Atkins Diet, and delicious Atkins-friendly recipes from woman&home

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Atkins Diet: Carbohydrates

(Image credit: Rex Features)

Atkins Diet: Carbohydrates

Here is a list of the carbs you can eat, in the order you should introduce them to your diet, after the first two weeks of dieting. This is known as the 'carb ladder':

  • Leafy greens and low-carb vegetables
  • Dairy foods high in fat and low in carbs, such as cream, sour cream and most hard cheeses
  • Berries, cherries, melon (but not watermelon)
  • Fruit (not dried or juiced) and higher-carb vegetables such as squash, carrots and peas
  • Whole grains

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Atkins Diet : Vegetables

(Image credit: Rex Features)

Atkins Diet : Vegetables

Unlike before, you can now eat vegetables on the Atkins diet. They must be leafy greens and low-carb veg, such as mushrooms and radishes. This means that, unlike before, vegetarians and vegans can now follow the Atkins diet. Try these snacks as an easy way to get your five a day on the new Atkins:

  • Celery stuffed with cream cheese
  • Cucumber 'boats' filled with tuna salad
  • 5 green or black olives, stuffed with cheese or plain

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Atkins Diet : Caffeine

(Image credit: Monkey Business Images / Rex Fea)

Atkins Diet : Caffeine

Coffee and tea was banned on the old Atkins. Now new research has shown that moderate amounts of coffee can boost long-term health. This is due to the level of antioxidants and fat-burning properties in caffeine, which mean it can help to regulate body weight. Caffeine-rich drinks you can enjoy:

  • Caffeinated coffee
  • Caffeinated tea
  • Diet fizzy cola

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Atkins Diet : Desserts

(Image credit: Rex Features)

Atkins Diet : Desserts

The new Atkins allows some desserts, making it easier to stick to and lowering the guilt factor! As long as you make them yourself, with sweeteners instead of sugar, you are allowed such desserts as:

  • Chocolate 'pudding'. ( Double cream, unsweetened cocoa, Splenda)
  • Raspberry mousse. (sugar-free jelly, double cream)
  • Chocolate coconut 'pudding'. (Dried coconut, double cream, unsweetened cocoa, Splenda)
  • Vanilla freeze. (Vanilla protein powder, soya milk, crushed ice)

The longer you are following the plan, the more desserts you will be able to introduce into your diet Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : What to Avoid

(Image credit: Rex Features)

Atkins Diet : What to Avoid

For the Atkins to work, you have to be able to face life without:

  • Fruit juice
  • Sugary fizzy drinks
  • Foods made with flour and/or sugar
  • Food with any sugar
  • Junk food
  • Chewing gum, breath mints, cough syrups which may contain sugar or caloric sweetners
  • Alcohol

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Atkins Diet : Eating Out

Atkins Diet : Eating Out

You can still follow the new Atkins diet when you eat out at restaurants, just choose your meal carefully. For example: Italian: Ask for a bowl of olives instead of a bread basket. Greek: Ask for a feta salad with extra feta instead of stuffed vine leaves. Middle Eastern: Instead of pitta bread, ask for celery sticks to dip. With thanks to New Atkins New You by Drs Eric Westman, Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Chargrilled Sirloin with Rocket, Parmesan and Lemon recipe

Atkins Diet : Chargrilled Sirloin with Rocket, Parmesan and Lemon recipe

A simpler version of an Italian tagliata (which means "cut" or "sliced"), this chargrilled sirloin with rocket, Parmesan and lemon recipe is a perfect Atkins-friendly way to serve steak. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Hot Smoked Salmon with Cucumber Salad recipe

Atkins Diet : Hot Smoked Salmon with Cucumber Salad recipe

A simple twist with a salmon fillet - the smoking gives a very subtle flavour to this hot smoked salmon with cucumber salad recipe. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Chicken Saltimbocca recipe

(Image credit: Charlie Richards)

Atkins Diet : Chicken Saltimbocca recipe

Originally made with veal, we think this Italian chicken saltimbocca recipe (literally meaning jump in my mouth’) is just as delicious. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Roast Squash with Goats' Cheese recipe

(Image credit: G5_Studio2)

Atkins Diet : Roast Squash with Goats' Cheese recipe

Our roast squash with goats' cheese recipe is a brilliant dinner party centrepiece and great for veggie Atkins dieters. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Baked Cod and Bacon with Sage and Greens recipe

Atkins Diet : Baked Cod and Bacon with Sage and Greens recipe

The punchy flavour combination of bacon and sage really livens up the fish in this baked cod and bacon with sage and greens recipe. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Scallops on Pea Puree with Parmesan Crumbs recipe

Atkins Diet : Scallops on Pea Puree with Parmesan Crumbs recipe

This scallops on pea puree with parmesan crumbs recipe looks incredibly sophisticated but is very simple - perfect for dinner parties. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Stir-Fried Greens with Goats' Cheese and Walnuts recipe

Atkins Diet : Stir-Fried Greens with Goats' Cheese and Walnuts recipe

Make the most of leafy greens - plus a protein fix - with our stir-fried greens with goats' cheese and walnuts recipe. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Charred Salmon Fillets with Mango and Chilli recipe

Atkins Diet : Charred Salmon Fillets with Mango and Chilli recipe

So quick and delicious, this charred salmon fillets with mango and chilli recipe will work well with any fish, and you can up or down the chilli content to taste. Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Greek Yogurt with Mango and Raspberries recipe

Atkins Diet : Greek Yogurt with Mango and Raspberries recipe

Ditch the honey - this Greek yoghurt with mango and raspberries recipe is just as delicious without! Find more diet plans

Atkins Diet : Strawberries in Pimm's recipe

Atkins Diet : Strawberries in Pimm's recipe

The essence of an English summer, you'll love our strawberries in Pimm's recipe. Find more diet plans