10 Signs That You're Feeling Content

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Ready to feel truly happy and content? Here's how...

How do you feel today? Would you consider yourself feeling content? If you're not quite sure how to answer that question, then you're not alone. Whether it's finding long-lasting love, a career that doesn't feel like work or simply freeing up more time to dedicate to our hobbies, feeling content in all areas of our lives is something we all strive for. The good news is that the journey to happiness can be made simpler with a few tips and tricks. We've done the research and got the science-backed tips for how to feel happy and content that will help you feel your best.

We all want to feel content and happy. Not only does contentment feel great, but it's actually good for us too. Being content is linked to an improved immune system, physical function and living longer. Not to mention that when you feel good, other people around you are more likely to feel good too.

Often though, we feel like something is missing from our lives. Maybe that dream job isn't as fulfilling as we had hoped, or the relationship that we once believed would complete us hasn't, or we just don't feel like we have enough time in the day to actually enjoy our lives.

While some things are out of our control, the good news is that we can learn how to start feeling content and happy. Contentness is definitely possible - and it usually takes less work than we think.

Read through our 10 signs that you're feeling content - if you're ticking them off as you go, then finding true happiness and contentment might not be as tricky as you first thought. From the routine you need to get into to the importance of self-belief, feeling content and happy is just a few clicks away...

Feeling content: You're in a healthy routine

Feeling content: You're in a healthy routine

When we feel settled, it's usually thanks to a routine that's made up of healthy habits such as daily exercise, spending time with good friends, eating well and sleeping enough. The menopause diet - what to eat to control those hot flushes

Feeling content: You're commited to achieving

Feeling content: You're commited to achieving

Ambition gives us all purpose. Motivated people are often more content because they fill their lives with challenging hobbies and likeminded people, so they tend to get less frustrated.

Feeling content: Your mood doesn't change much

Feeling content: Your mood doesn't change much

There may be days when you want to hide under the duvet, but - if you've found your stride - your mood will rarely swing from euphoria to depression. You're usually geniunely warm and smiley. 10 winter wellbing boosters

Feeling content: Your needs are small

Feeling content: Your needs are small

Those who understand the value of the small things in life are far less likely to be envious of others. Focus on love, laughter and forging good relationships rather than dwelling on the superficial stuff.

Feeling content: You're living in the now

Feeling content: You're living in the now

Letting your mind wander too much can mean that life passes you by. Try to live in the moment more by using a grounding technique, such as spending at least twenty minutes a day fully enjoying an activity without distractions. How to feel happy, right now

Feeling content: You fall in to bed exhausted...

Feeling content: You fall in to bed exhausted...

But happy. And wake up feeling positive most mornings. That's when you know you've got the balance right.

Feeling content: You socialise with happy people

Feeling content: You socialise with happy people

Science suggests that surrounding yourself with friends who have a sunny outlook will increase your positivity by nearly ten percent too, so don't bother with negative people. 5 easy ways to a more confident you

Feeling content: You're realistic

Feeling content: You're realistic

Dreams and ambitions are so important, but most people who feel content in their day to day lives are also realistic. They know that channeling all their energies in to one area of their lives - and putting all their hopes on one outcome - isn't going to result in true happiness. Instead, they take a more relaxed approach to whatever challenges life brings.

Feeling content: You're true to yourself

Feeling content: You're true to yourself

Sometimes compromise is essential, but not when it comes to staying true to your core values. True happiness can only happen when you feel comfortable enough in your own skin to live in integrity. Make sure your views shape the world. 20 ways to fall in love with life again

Feeling content: You believe in your talents

Feeling content: You believe in your talents

You might have struggled throughout your teens and twenties to find your way, but by now you no doubt have a clear of vision of who you are and what you want to achieve. Positive people aren't afraid to put themselves forward in challenging situations because they believe in their abilities at all times. You're clever, talented and very able - don't let those inner doubts tell you otherwise!