Prince Philip’s hilarious reaction to too many online ads is incredibly relatable

Prince Philip was reportedly not a fan of too many online advertisements on his Kindle

Prince Philip had a hilarious reaction to his Kindle
(Image credit: Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images)

Prince Philip had a hilarious—and relatable—reaction to being bombarded by online adverts. In Tina Brown’s new book, The Palace Papers, plenty of memorable anecdotes are shared about the late Duke of Edinburgh, with one particular standout relating to his use of a Kindle e-reader.

Renowned for his intellect and passion for technology, Prince Philip was said to have had a love-hate relationship with his Amazon Kindle.

Royal author Robert Lacey has gone on record in the past to label the late Duke of Edinburgh a "gadget man" and his fascination with his Kindle could be proof of how adoptive he was of new technology.

However, the storybook romance between Philip and his Kindle was only to be a short story—and one with an unhappy ending.

Prince Philip was known for his gruff and controversial nature

(Image credit: Leon Neal-WPA Pool/Getty Images)

In Tina Brown’s new book, The Palace Papers, she explains how Philip became so enraged by the constant bombardment of online adverts and pop-ups that he tossed the Kindle in the bath.

Tina writes, "Philip often extolled the joys of his Kindle. Until, disgusted by all of the direct marketing of books that he didn't want to read, he threw it in the bathtub."

This sort of reaction is definitely in keeping with the often inappropriate, often controversial nature of the late Duke.

Prince Philip might have been better sticking to paper books

(Image credit: Indigo/Getty Images)

"My grandpa has a very good sense of humor, and he enjoys playing practical jokes, he enjoys teasing, and he loved things going wrong," Prince William said during a documentary celebrating Philip's legacy.

Prince Harry echoed similar sentiments about his grandfather, describing him as, "authentically himself, with a seriously sharp wit, and could hold the attention of any room due to his charm—and also because you never knew what he might say next.”

Say, or do, it would seem. Who could have foreseen a Kindle being thrown in the bathtub?

Jack Slater
Freelance writer

Jack Slater is not the Last Action Hero, but that's what comes up first when you Google him. Preferring a much more sedentary life, Jack gets his thrills by covering news, entertainment, celebrity, film and culture for woman&home, and other digital publications.

Having written for various print and online publications—ranging from national syndicates to niche magazines—Jack has written about nearly everything there is to write about, covering LGBTQ+ news, celebrity features, TV and film scoops, reviewing the latest theatre shows lighting up London’s West End and the most pressing of SEO based stories.