The Bulletproof Diet

Healthy woman eating an apple
Healthy woman eating an apple
(Image credit: Rex)

Lose weight and feel great with the revolutionary new diet plan from the US that lets you eat fat, drink coffee and exercise less

Do you want to lose weight, have more energy, exercise less and function at your best but with less sleep? It could be time to go 'bulletproof.' Already a smash hit in America, this revolutionary new diet has now reached the UK and we predict it's going to be just as big. If last year was the year of the Paleo Diet, then 2015 is going to be all about The Bulletproof Diet.

Created by Dave Asprey, a millionaire technology entrepreneur, The Bulletproof Diet is the result of over 15 years of research and over £200,000. And unlike other faddy diets, Bulletproof's creator knows exactly how hard it is to lose weight. Weighing over 300 pounds, it didn't matter how few calories Dave ate in the day or how much he exercised (often six days per week), he was unable to lose weight. That's when The Bulletproof Diet was born.

More of a lifestyle than a diet, Dave spent years and hundreds of thousands of pounds researching how to look and feel your best. The resulting plan promises to help you lose up to a pound per day, get more energy and upgrade your health - and your life. How? By changing your diet, working out less, getting better quality sleep and eating butter - lots of it.

'The Bulletproof Diet isn't just about losing weight fast and feeling fantastic; it's a roadmap to upgrading your body and your mind from the inside out, simultaneously suppressing the inflammation and the guilt that often come with high stress, high expectations, and high performance', says Dave.

Forget what you think you know about healthy living. Love coffee? Can't live without butter? Want to do less exercise? It's all encouraged in The Bulletproof Diet! But what's not encouraged is counting calories.

Intrigued? Keep reading to find out more about The Bulletproof Diet and how it could help you lose weight and upgrade your life...

Buy The Bulletproof Diet by Dabe Asprey (Rodale, £12.99).

Your Bulletproof Diet Secret Weapon

Your Bulletproof Diet Secret Weapon

A staple of the Bulletproof Diet is Bulletproof coffee, loved by A-listers, athletes and health gurus alike. The recipe consists of low-mould coffee beans, 1-2 tablespoons of unsalted, grass-fed butter and 1-2 tablespoons of medium-triglyceride (MCT) oil (or coconut oil). This creamy cup of coffee may be high in calories (over 450!) but Dave claims that this supercharged drink will give you more energy and brainpower - and keep you satisfied for hours. 'It turned my brain back on and freed me from food cravings, and it's done the same thing of tens of thousands of others', he says.

What Can You Eat On The Bulletproof Diet?

What Can You Eat On The Bulletproof Diet?

On the Bulletproof Diet, 50 to 70 percent of your daily calories should come from fats, provided they're the right kind, like grass-fed butter, animal fat, coconut oil, avocado and wild fish. 'The right fats are clean-burning, nutritious, and satisfying enery sources that keep your body and brain functioning at maximum capacity', Dave explains. Up to 20 percent of your daily calories should come from Bulletproof protein sources, like low-mercury fish, grass-fed beef and lamb, and pastured eggs. Poultry should be eaten in moderation. You'll also eats lots of vegetables but not so much fruit, which is high in sugar. Don't love veggies? Try coating them in lots of sea salt and grass-fed butter - it's all allowed on The Bulletproof Diet!

Foods To Avoid On The Bulletproof Diet

Foods To Avoid On The Bulletproof Diet

Only 5 percent of your daily calories should come from fruit and starch combined. Choose from a list of Bulletproof fruits and starches like avocado, raspberries, white rice, sweet potatoes, carrots and pumpkin. Other fruits and starches like bananas, melons, apples, wheat, potatoes, oats, corn, and brown rice should be avoided. Grass-fed butter and ghee is highly encouraged on the diet, but most other forms of dairy including all cheese, non-organic milk and yoghurt and ice cream, is off the menu. Sorry nut lovers - except for coconut, all nuts should be avoided as they contain a high risk of mould contamination. Got a sweet tooth? Don't worry - stevia and xylitol are both allowed on the diet, but other forms of sugar (especially artificial sweeteners) are off limits.

Sleep Better On the Bulletproof Diet

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Sleep Better On the Bulletproof Diet

We all know that getting eight hours of shut eye is the key to good health, right? Well, not necessarily. According to The Bulletproof Diet, you can thrive on less than the standard eight hours. Dave himself averages just six hours of sleep every night. What's more important than the amount of sleep you get is the quality of sleep. To supercharge your sleep, Dave recommends filling up with fats at dinner, taking the right supplements and using technology to track your sleep quality. Things to avoid before bedtime include bright light, exercise, caffeine and stress.

Exercise Less On The Bulletproof Diet

(Image credit: Rex)

Exercise Less On The Bulletproof Diet

Dave advocates exercise that is 'brief, intense, infrequent, safe and purposeful'. That's because too much exercise can drive up cortisol levels (the 'stress hormone') which leads to weight gain and muscle loss. Weight training is considered to be the most Bulletproof form of exercise but for those who love cardio, try making your workout more efficient. How? High-intensity interval training (HIIT). Try this HIIT exercise: 'Simply run as fast as you can. Run for 30 seconds, rest for 90 seconds, and then do it again. Repeat this until 15 minutes have passed'. This will help you produce more human growth hormone (HGH), a performance-enhancing anti-ageing hormone that your body makes to keep you young. Dave recommends doing HIIT training once a week and lifting weights one to three times per week.

Buy The Bulletproof Diet

Buy The Bulletproof Diet

Buy The Bulletproof Diet by Dabe Asprey (Rodale, £12.99).