Tilda Swinton interview

Tilda Switon-celebrity pictures-celebrity photos-loves and hates pictures-woman and home
Tilda Switon-celebrity pictures-celebrity photos-loves and hates pictures-woman and home
(Image credit: SPG / Rex Features)

You've spent a lot of time with George Clooney – every woman's fantasty. Is it as fabulous as it sounds? George is a joy to be around and a good friend. He's a man who respects people around him and wants to create the best possible personal and artistic environment. He's impossibly good natured and considerate, and doesn't take himself seriously. George also has a rather impressive understanding of how the world functions and tries to make a difference. I appreciate that as much as his natural charm.

My loves Posh hotels. I love being able to travel the world promoting films and ordering room service all the time.

Colonsay. Nairn, where I live, is a secret, lovely, quiet place, but my favourite place in the world is the Isle of Colonsay.

David Bowie. I stood behind him in New York once and I was virtually dressed the same as him as well. My look that night was completely Ziggy. But I just couldn't speak to him – I'm very shy when it comes to David Bowie.

My dog, Rosy. Her front paws smell of toast. I want to bottle her smells!

My hates Harry Potter. I believe Harry Potter fetishises boarding school for children and I'm loath to say anything good about boarding school.

Cinema multiplexes. That old idea of going to the pictures has changed. There used to be two cinemas in Nairn and now there's none – it's a 30-minute drive to the nearest multiplex.

Cambridge University. The academic programme there crushed the life out of my artistic self.I always wanted to be a writer, but, after Cambridge, I stopped writing for a long time.