The Overnight Diet


Get in shape for party season with this revolutionary diet from the US...

We're not sure how October crept up on us so quickly, if like us the thought of squeezing in to your party season wardrobe leaves you fretting, don't panic. A revolutionary diet from America, The Overnight Diet, can help.

Unlike faddy diets, where the weight falls off easily to start with, then plateaus and you end up back where you started, The Overnight Diet is a proven-method of sustainable weight loss based on science - with no restrictive food list.

Diet author, Dr Caroline Apovian is a leading American weight-loss expert. She not only has a background in nutritional research, working for leading universities and hospitals, but also advises the American government, and NASA, on the subject so knows exactly what dieters need to do to get results.

Her new book, The Overnight Diet (Piatkus;£12.99), is a culmination of decades of research, working with other leading weight-loss experts. The result is an easy to follow plan that won't leave you reaching for the biscuit tin.

Buy The Overnight Diet: Start Losing Weight Tonight and Keep It Off Permanently

The Overnight Diet

(Image credit: Rex Features)

The Overnight Diet

'After witnessing the struggles of my patients, it became my mission to engineer a twenty-first century science-based diet that would help you safely achieve rapid weight loss that lasts', Dr Apovian explains. 'This isn't a fad diet to lose a few pounds at the expense of your health. Instead it's backed by decades of scientific research showing that in addition to producing quick results, [The Overnight Diet] promotes better health and even longevity... it is your ticket to looking better, feeling better and living longer!'

Why The Overnight Diet Is Different

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Why The Overnight Diet Is Different

Having studied nutrition for many years, Dr Apovian has seen the impact faddy diets can have on long-term health which is why she decided to create The Overnight Diet. 'Through research, I've pinpointed the main culprit that thwarts efforts to fight fat, slows metabolism, leads to yo-yo dieting, and can devastate health. And contrary to popular belief it has nothing to do with willpower', she says. 'It's muscle wasting, sarcopenia [or] Shrinking Muscle Syndrome. It is the loss of muscle mass, strength and function that may naturally occur with age, but that may also be a dangerous side-effect of most popular weight-loss methods. 'The nutritional make-up of many diets can cause the body to rob your muscles for energy leaving you thinner, but weakier and flabbier...Preventing Shrinking Muscle Syndrome is the ultimate key to weight loss that lasts, and it's why I've engineered The Overnight Diet specifically to maintain lean muscle while eradicating flab.'

How The Overnight Diet Works - 6-Day Fuel Up

(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

How The Overnight Diet Works - 6-Day Fuel Up

To create The Overnight Diet, Dr Apovian reworked then combined two proven healthy weight-loss methods. The first is known as 'protein-sparing'. It's been used in American hospitals to treat obesity successfully for a number of years. The idea is that by keeping your body in fat burning mode on a high protein diet, you'll lose fat instead of lean muscle. Traditionally hospital patients were encouraged to eat only protein as part of a modified fast, but Dr Apovian now believes that following a high protein diet combined with other food groups, like lean carbs (wholegrains, fruit and non-starchy vegetables) will still have the same slimming effect. She advises dieters to stick to this weight-loss method six days a week.

How The Overnight Diet Works - 1-Day Power Up

How The Overnight Diet Works - 1-Day Power Up

The second element of The Overnight Diet is much like the juice diet, except you're only sipping on homemade smoothies on the seventh day. It's designed as a temporary break from solid food which kickstarts weight-loss. 'Taking a break from solid food has been the subject of decades of research showing that it produces overnight weight loss and a health boost so powerful it increases longevity', says Dr Apovian. 'Scientific evidence shows that this is something our bodies are genetically programmed to do. But people in the West no longer engage in this once-common practice and research shows that because of this our genetic programming has started working against us by piling more and more fat onto our bodies.'

How Much Weight Can I Lose On The Overnight Diet?

(Image credit: Garo/Phanie / Rex Features)

How Much Weight Can I Lose On The Overnight Diet?

'The combination [of protein sparing and smoothie feasting] primes the body creating a sort-of 'metabolic marvel' that maximises weight loss', Dr Apovian explains. 'The Overnight Diet is formulated specifically to start incinerating fat faster than other diets...This plan is engineered to turn on the process almost immediately.' In fact, some of Dr Apovian's patients have reportedly lost 2 pounds in one day on The Overnight Diet. 'Your genetic programming says your body is designed to follow a pattern of feasting on food and then hunting and gathering for your next meal...The 1-Day Power-Up and 6-Day Fuel-Up helps [re-]create the natural cycle', she adds. By alternating between protein sparing and smoothie feasting, weight loss shouldn't plateau either.

Why Exercise Is Important To The Overnight Diet

Why Exercise Is Important To The Overnight Diet

Changing the way you eat will only do so much. Exercise is integral to weight-loss, especially if you want to stay slim. The Overnight Diet's approach to getting fit is quite refreshing though - there's no need to spend hours at the gym or sign up for as many exercise classes as you can. In fact, this might actually stop you from dropping a dress size. 'Recent research has revealed that integrating two concepts into one...burns more fat faster than any other workout. It's like getting twice the results in half the time', Dr Apovian says. This means combining resistance training with short cardio blasts for twenty minutes four times a week. Easy! Buy The Overnight Diet: Start Losing Weight Tonight and Keep It Off Permanently now.