The Body Rescue Plan

woman measuring waist photo
woman measuring waist photo
(Image credit: Rex Features (Shutterstock))

Lose 2.5 stone in 12 weeks through the power of mindset, yoga, fitness and detox. Read on to find out how...

Get fit, healthy and lose weight with The Body Rescue Plan which has been created by award-winning celebrity trainer, Christianne Wolff.

Using spiritual and relaxation practices, combined with fitness routines, healthy diet plans and the mindset to heal old patterns, this fat-busting plan has helped people lose weight and gain confidence in as little as 12 weeks.

'I have written The Body Rescue Plan using everything I have learned over the last 20 years,' explains Christianne.

'What I have seen that has and has not worked for my clients and also myself.

'I am not a naturally slim person. I have a naturally curvy, hourglass figure. However I have had a flat stomach and toned body over the years because I have worked for it and now you can too!'

Most weight loss books barely touch on working with your emotions and your mindset, or balancing your hormones or embracing love. But most people with weight issues have mind issues too, often linked to self esteem and self worth.

'I think any weight loss programme has to be about feeling good, about your health, your life and most importantly, yourself. The looking good bit is a by-product of that. This is why I have written The Body Rescue slimming, mindset and fitness plan. This is years of research, studying and trialling through my clients to what I have found to be the perfect weight loss plan.'

Not only will The Body Rescue Plan help you lose weight, but Christianne’s expert advice will help you feel more calm, confident and relaxed as well. Sign us up!

To get started on the way to a slimmer, healthier and happier you, click through for Christianne's 11 golden roles of The Body Rescue Plan (£23.50).

You can also find more health and diet advice here.

Detox for two weeks

Detox for two weeks

'The first two weeks of the plan helps to cleanse the body and get rid of toxins,' explains Christianne. 'A special detoxing and cleansing diet is a good way to assist your body in its over-loaded state. 'Even if your diet is normally good, an internal clean can revitalise your system and rid your body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.'

Follow the 10-week eating plan

Follow the 10-week eating plan

'The key to sticking to any programme that is different to your routine already, is to get organised!,' explains Christianne. 'Write in your diary where you will fit the exercise in and plan it like it is a meeting. 'Plan out your week’s food in advance, and what meals you will have, so that you are really excited to eat them. 'Eat organic. I know it is more expensive, but if you are detoxing, your body will love you for living off chemical-free food! I would really recommend Abel and Cole, they are a home delivery organic service and are much cheaper than your average supermarket selling organic foods. They also have wonderful cookbooks and a great ethos! If you are strapped for cash, use your local farm shop or market and buy an abundance of fresh fruit, veg, and fish for probably half the price of a supermarket, if not less.'

Do the mindset programme

(Image credit: Garo/Phanie / Rex Features)

Do the mindset programme

'The mindset programme is to set goals and reprogramme your brain. It will boost your willpower, banish addictions to sugar and caffeine and establish a whole range of new, good eating habits,' Christianne says. 'I see endless exercise videos, fitness books, and nutritional plans all sold as 'the only way to lose weight', but what happens when your enthusiasm dwindles? When you get stressed and there is no back-up plan? When you get tired and want to jack it in? Have you been there? 'Chances are you did jack it in, you did get bored and stop exercising, and you did get stressed and reach for the chocolate or bottle! 'Improving your mindset will get you out of old habits and give you the ability to sustain it for the rest of your life. Being happier, younger, brighter, slimmer, and having an abundance of energy. 'The mindset is 90% of your success.'

Get at least seven hours of sleep a night

Get at least seven hours of sleep a night

'There is a lot of research which has shown a link between lack of sleep and weight gain, so make an effort to get as much shut-eye as possible,' Christianne explains. 'If you have always struggled to nod off, you will find it much easier when you give up caffeine. 'High cortisol levels attribute to fat gain and this delightful hormone will be high if you don’t sleep. You will also have more lethargy, so you are less likely to exercise well.
You are likely to eat more because your blood sugar levels will not be balanced.
 So sleep – eight hours a night.'

Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water

'Being hydrated is essential for good health, weight loss and drinking water curbs your appetite,' says Christianne. 'You may not know this, but if you do not drink enough water you will gain weight because you are likely to eat more if you are dehydrated.
 The amount of calories you burn a day is controlled by your liver (metabolism) and if your kidneys are dehydrated, your liver won’t function efficiently.
You can also get water retention if you don’t drink enough, which can make you look swollen.'

Cut out caffeine

(Image credit: Monkey Business Images / Rex Fea)

Cut out caffeine

'Caffeine is a diuretic so it can affect your weight loss as you are dehydrated. It can also affect your insulin levels which means you crave carbs after the initial stimulation has worn off,' Christianne explains. 'I know we are a nation of tea and coffee drinkers, and it all seems like the norm, but from my professional opinion and observation, I would say we are a nation of addicts with no real energy, and this is mainly due to our caffeine obsession.'

Cut out sugar

(Image credit: Martin Lee / Rex Features)

Cut out sugar

'Sugar plays havoc with your blood sugar levels which makes you eat. The more you have the more you want it. Giving up sugar is like giving up a drug, once its out of your system you no longer crave it,' Christianne says. 'It is highly addictive and has no nutritional value to the body. All it will do for you is contribute to an enormous amount of today’s illnesses, including diabetes, and weight gain. 'Stick to eating whole fruits for a sugar high, it does not cause the same problem as high fructose corn syrup and table sugar because the fruits contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which help metabolise the fructose.'

Plan exercise and meals for the week

(Image credit: REX/Martin Lee)

Plan exercise and meals for the week

'Making a plan for the week about what you will eat and when you will exercise has been proven to make or break a fitness diet programme,' says Christianne. 'There will always be an excuse if you are tired or get a better offer, but if you firmly plan out your week you will achieve your results.'

Do resistance/interval training work

(Image credit: Martin Lee / Rex Features)

Do resistance/interval training work

'Many people do cardiovascular training such as running, cycling to aerobics thinking it's the only way to burn fat and lose weight,' Christianne explains. 'However, resistance training and interval training are essential for weight loss too, so are an integral part of my programme.'

Find exercise you enjoy

Find exercise you enjoy

'Making your exercise programme fun will help you sustain in the long term,' Christianne says. 'There are so many things you can of from outdoor swimming to mountain biking.'

Do yoga, relax and focus

Do yoga, relax and focus

'For many reasons stress makes you fat! Stress affects the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. This can lead to cravings and eating when you're not hungry,' Christianne explains. 'Research also suggests that cortisol can make you hold onto fat around your middle. 'Taking up meditation or yoga makes you take time out to breathe, stretch and relax. Perfect to keep stress levels down and allow yourself to focus on you.'

The Body Rescue Plan

The Body Rescue Plan

The Body Rescue Plan takes you through each step to get you on your way to a healthier and happier you, with a plan designed to stay with you for life, including:
  • 53 mouthwatering recipes, all sugar-free, and many gluten-free.
  • Mindset exercises to rid negative belief systems.
  • 6 meditations on a CD – clearing your mindset for weight loss.
  • A 2-week detox plan, to clean up any unwanted toxins.
  • A 12-week fitness and diet plan, with more than 80 exercises photographed and easily laid out in a plan.
  • A calming yoga section.

The Body Rescue Plan (£23.50)

Jennifer Kyte
Freelance writer

Jennifer Kyte is an experienced editor and writer specialising in women's lifestyle and celebrity interviews. She has worked for national publications both in the UK and Australia for the last 15 years covering everything and anything from royal, celebrity, health, and real life to major news events.