This is why you might have gained weight during lockdown

lockdown weight gain

New research has revealed why you may have gained weight during lockdown.

A survey of 2,020 people, conducted by leading sports multivitamin company Lyvit, has revealed that the average Brit has gained 5lbs in the 10 long weeks since lockdown.

And the reason for gaining almost half a stone since going into quarantine? More than half (53%) blame the excess weight on snacking more on unhealthy foods and drinks, followed by doing less exercise (31%), while 9% admitted that less social pressure has encouraged them to relax and tuck in more than usual.

As a result, just over two thirds of respondents (68%) expressed a desire to lose the weight they have put on in recent months.

MORE: How to lose weight during lockdown - what to do if you’re gaining weight during lockdown

One survey respondent was so alarmed by his weight gain he said it was like having an addiction that needed hypnotherapy to cure – a thought most likely echoed by many who have turned to comforting food and drink to cope with the current climate.

“It wasn’t really that much of a surprise when we found out that the majority of people had gained a few pounds during lockdown,” said a spokesperson for Lyvit. “One of the knock on effects of lockdown for many people is reduced physical activity and being just a few steps away from a comforting treat.”

In response to the survey results, the company is now offering its very own ‘Snack Hypnotist’.

lockdown weight gain

Available in hourly video hypnotherapy sessions, the aim is to help those whose snacking habit has got out of control by suggesting changes to reinforced behaviours and impulses associated with unhealthy eating. Some people will need just one session, while others may require a few.

“When we saw that one customer joked about hypnotherapy, we thought 'why not?' It’s an effective treatment for smoking and other addictions," said Lyvit's spokesperson.

On the plus side, the survey also discovered that more than a fifth (22%) of respondents have actually lost weight, while nearly half (48%) said they are more active now than they were before lockdown.

Debra Waters

Debra Waters is an experienced online editor and lifestyle writer with a focus on health, wellbeing, beauty, food and parenting. Currently, she writes for the websites and Woman&Home and GoodtoKnow, as well as the Woman, Woman’s Own and Woman’s Weekly magazines. 

Previously, Debra was digital food editor at delicious magazine and MSN. She’s written for M&S Food, Great British Chefs, loveFOOD, What to Expect, Everyday Health and Time Out, and has had articles published in The Telegraph and The Big Issue.