This is the best time of year to get a flu jab

Best time of year to get flu jab
(Image credit: Getty)

Autumn is upon us so many of us will be gearing up for a season of the high temperatures, aching limbs and all-round lethargy that comes with a bought of the flu.

High street chemists and doctors surgeries the length and breadth of the country will already be issuing alerts for flu clinics and advertising posters for private flu jabs. But for those who have yet to get theirs, they may be questioning the below.

When is the best time of year to get the flu jab?

According to the NHS, the optimum time of year to get a flu jab is from the beginning of October to the end of November, which means were are now right in the heart of flu jab season. However, if you miss this window you can still get a flu jab later in winter.

The reason why the above period is so important is there are usually a peak in flu cases in December and January, so it’s ideal to get protected against the current strains ahead of this date.

Can I get a free flu jab?

If you fall into the categories below you could be eligible for a free flu jab at your GP, or even a local pharmacy:

  • Are pregnant
  • Are 65 or over
  • Have a serious medical condition
  • Your child is in an at-risk group (conditions, such as diabetes, serious heart conditions, underlying neurological problems and kidney or liver disease) and is aged 6 months or over
  • You live in a nursing or residential home
  • You’re the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill

How much does the flu jab cost?

If you don’t fit into one of the groups above, then you can pay to have the flu jab privately at a local chemist. This can be up to £20.

MORE:Beat the bugs: How to prevent a cold

Flu jab Boots

The cost is £12.99 for the Winter Flu Jab Service, or free for some eligible groups.

Flu jab Superdrug

Here prices for the Winter flu jab start at £6.99, or free for some eligible groups.

Do you fall into any of the above groups and will you be booking your flu jab in the coming weeks?

Miriam worked for woman&home for over five years and previously worked on the women's lifestyle magazines Woman and Woman's Own.