7 Ways To Live An Empowered Life

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Banish bad thoughts and discover a happier way of living with our key principles for an empowered life

Stuck in a rut? We've all been caught in a negative spiral before, when things just don't seem to be going right. It's tempting to blame others. But if you want to take better control of your life, it's up to you to make the changes.

It's easy to live an empowered life. All it takes is the right state of mind, which is why we've rounded up the key principles so you can start enjoying the benefits of happier thinking and doing now.

Positive thoughts breed productive actions. So whether you take a few minutes out every day to think about the things you feel grateful for or do something nice for a loved one - empowerment is just a few positive thoughts away. The only thing standing in the way is you!

Go half-total

Go half-total

It's a well-known fact that drinking excessively is bad for your health, but have you thought about how it affects your wellbeing? Increasing numbers of people are going half-total' - cutting regular drinking down dramatically - and reaping the rewards. 

As well as the obvious benefits (i.e waking up fresh as a daisy most mornings and saving on calories) those going half-total are noticing a huge change in their state of mind. Simple tasks become easier, and not having to rely on a tipple to get through the evenings is empowering - not to mention the obvious benefits like instantly clearer skin. Do it by drinking a lot only on occasions, or having one glass and switching to softs.
Take control by going back to drinking solely for enjoyment, and make your evenings productive - and memorable the next day!

Be more forgiving

Be more forgiving

Life's too short to harbour negative emotions like anger and resentment. Not only does it ruin your own happiness but it can ruin the happiness of others too. Reclaim control of the situation by being the first to bury the hatchet. At the least, you could avoid losing a valuable friend.

Surround yourself with good friends

Surround yourself with good friends

Banishing your own negative thoughts is hard enough, so why would you want to be on the receiving end of someone else's? Good friends are the ones who support you and allow you to become the person you want to be. Spend time with these people and the good changes will come about much quicker than if you're surrounded by nay-sayers.

Be grateful - every day

Be grateful - every day

There's nothing more empowering than a sense of gratitude - and we all have plenty of reasons to be grateful. So why not take a few minutes out every day to think about the things you are most grateful for - and maybe even make a list. It'll help you concentrate on the good things in life, and even make you realise how the difficult things have helped you. Furthermore, complaining about situations you're unhappy about just breeds negativity. Above all else it's unproductive and fails to fix the problem. So why not try having a complaint-free day at least once a week. You'll be amazed by the difference it makes.

Be compassionate

Be compassionate

Compassion is the gift that won't cost you anything to give. It's amazing how putting yourself in someone else's shoes can really help you to understand their situation better. A little bit of compassion will never go amiss, and who knows - the next time you're in trouble you might have the favour repaid.

Look after yourself

Look after yourself

Exercising and eating right doesn't just make you look good, it makes you feel great too. Load your body with bad foods and your mind will respond accordingly - you'll lose confidence and motivation. But stick to a balanced, healthy diet - with just a few sweet treats now and then - and your mind will learn to love the body you're in. It's all about having respect for yourself. Don't forget the endorphin-boosting benefits of exercise too!

Laugh often

Laugh often

There's nothing more uplifting than sharing a good laugh with friends. It helps you to take stock of a situation and get some perspective on things. You can't beat the appeal of a person who can see the funny side of life. Or at the very least aim to smile more, it's the simplest gesture that will make the biggest difference - and the more you do it, the bigger the effect it will have on you.

Learn to reflect

(Image credit: Rex Features)

Learn to reflect

In our busy lives, it's all too easy to forget to take a little time out to think about the person we are and who we want to become. It's all about perception and reflection. Meditation is a fantastic way to make sure you get the time you need to consider the bigger questions in life. Why not sign up for a yoga class once a week, or adopt a few simple Tai Chi exercises before bedtime? It'll leave you feeling balanced and in control.