8 Weird Celebrity Backstage Requests

Most global stars request their backstage area to meet certain personal requirements, but which celebrities have the most ridiculous riders. From animals and plants to bespoke toilet seats, here's a round-up of the most outrageous backstage requests.


Earlier this week Adele made hotel staff drive for 140 miles to pick up a pizza for her. Adele was staying at the luxury Soho Farmhouse retreat in Oxfordshire but requested her dinner was collected from a pizzeria in Kensington, London. The unlucky hotel staff set off on a 140-mile round trip to get the pizza that the London-born star had asked for, but when the pizza arrived 4 hours later the singer had fallen asleep.


The singer demands a brand new bespoke toilet seat at every show. She also requires white roses and candles to keep away negativity and "mean-spiritedness".

Britney Spears

Before her 2011 appearance at London's O2 arena, Britney requested a fish and chip dinner and a framed photo of Princess Diana. She also asked for toothpaste, figs, prunes and McDonald's cheeseburgers without the buns.

Van Halen

In the 70s, Halen specified that no brown M&Ms could be present in the backstage area. Halen threatened that if any brown M&Ms were found he would cancel the concert at the expense of the promoter. Whilst this might sound outrageous, Halen defended his demand saying this request was present alongside vital Health and Safety demands. Therefore if brown M&Ms were found, it would mean more important demands had not been listened to and met, putting the entire band, fans and crew at risk.

Paul McCartney

McCartney requires 6 floor plants, but the plants in question must be as full at the bottom as they are at the top, and specifically no tree trunks. He also asks for one arrangement of Casablanca lilies, another arrangement of pale pink and white roses as well as one final arrangement of freesia, which are rumoured to be his favourite.


The global star demands her dressing room be kept at 78 degrees and due to her Pepsi advertorial contract, Beyonce bans Coca-Cola from her dressing rooms because she can only be seen with Pepsi products.

Mariah Carey

It's said the notorious diva requests 20 white kittens and 100 white doves for every show, as well as vitamin water to bathe her dogs in.

Jennifer Lopez

J-Lo requires an all white dressing room, on one charity shoot she demanded white curtains, furniture, linen, candles and flowers. She also reportedly requests for her coffee to be stirred counterclockwise.