5 Uplifting Stories That Will Make Your Day

tim peake

We don't know about you, but nothing lifts our spirits quite like a heartwarming news story. Whether it's animals being adorable or humans going out of their way to do good for others, sometimes that bit of good news from somewhere else in the world is enough to brighten up a dull day.

And this week, there's certainly plenty to make you smile! These news stories are guaranteed to lift your mood...

1.Pet Tortoise Gets His Own Jurassic Park-Themed Habitat

Youtube user Oliver Turpin takes his pet owner duties to new heights as he revamps his tortoise's habitat to look like Jurassic Park. No detail was spared for his beloved pet (Louie); the custom-built area features the Jurassic Park entry gates, a pool, a visitors centre and a fence with a torn apart section as seen in the film.


2. Tim Peake Shares His Experience Of Solitude In Heartwarming Skype Call With 5 Year Old Cancer Patient In Isolation

British Astronaught, Tim Peake, gave a poorly 5 year old a much needed boost in a video call made to Great Ormond Street Hospital. Maddison Webb has now been kept in isolation for 5 weeks as she suffers with acute lymphocyte leukaemia received a special call whereby Tim shared stories of his own time in isolation up in space. They spoke about being separated from their family and of the restricted diets they now live on. Maddisons mother said she was very excited about her call and she hopes it will encrourage her to eat and drink the things on her special diet more. Tim also took the time to speak to 30 other patients during his call.

3. This Kangaroo had a near death experience but survived to tell the tale

An orphaned baby Kangaroo, Cuejoe, that was adopted by a police station in Western Australia, had a terrifying experience whereby he was plucked from it's yard where it was unwittingly playing by a giant eagle. The Eagle flew off with the Joey in it's claws but thankfully an officer at the police station, Constable Mason, saw the incident unfolding before his eyes and took chase. The Eagle who had since been joined by another Eagle landed and began tormenting Cuejoe but Mason managed to successfully scare them off and rescue him. Although injured by the incident Cuejoe looks set to make a full recovery and will go back to helping Constable Mason with his duties. They are even in the process of getting a high-ves vest made up for him for when he joins the team on duty. For now though he will have to make do with ths make shift outfit seen here.

Image from @cue_pol twitter

4. This rejected tiger cub got some unusual new owners...

The as-yet unnamed female tiger cub was rejected by her mother, but things are looking up - she's now being raised by a completely different type of four-legged animal! She's being cared for around the clock by a crack team including human mums Yveta and Miskla and canine friends Blackie, Jenny and Hugo.

Pictured here with doggy companion Blackie, the tigress now spends her days eating, playing and sleeping, while her furry friends keep a protective eye on her. And doesn't she look happy about it?!

5. This teen saved a man's life. That man is now expecting a baby...

All it took was a simple: 'Are you ok?'. Those three words from teenager Jamie Harrington, from Dublin, persuaded a distressed man to climb down from the edge of a bridge and seek hospital treatment. The man is now expecting a baby with his wife, and the couple plan to name their son after Jamie.

The story was posted on Facebook page Humans of Dublin, and has so far attracted 40,000 likes.He said: 'I can't really understand how those few words could save his life, but he told me: 'Imagine if nobody ever asked you those words'.'

Abigail Malbon

Abigail Malbon is a journalist who has written for the likes of CN Traveller, Evening Standard, Red and Cosmopolitan. She likes pina coladas and exploring new places.