Top 5 Vegan Food Swaps

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If you're thinking of embarking on a vegan lifestyle, these simple swaps are a great place to start...

Have you ever thought about going vegan? You’re not alone – many celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow and health gurus like Deliciously Ella have quit animal products in the quest for better health.

The jury’s still out on the benefits of a meat free diet, but proponents claim it’s the ultimate diet to lose weight, clear up skin and improve energy levels. Just take it from journalist Chloe Randall:

Six years ago, I made the decision to go vegan. I was overweight, lacking in energy and fed up of endless fad diets and constant calorie counting. Rather than putting pressure on myself to cut out meat and dairy over night - I decided to see it as a lifestyle change and this meant a gradual transition.

'Slowly but surely, I introduced small changes into my diet and immediately noticed the benefits. I lost weight, my skin cleared up, I had better sleep, sharper concentration and improved mood - but most importantly, I regained my love of food! Forget limited portion sizes, when you're choosing to fill your body with nutrients you can eat abundantly and guilt-free!’

But if you can’t imagine a life without bacon, you can still reap many of the benefits of a vegan diet without forgoing meat forever. Simply make a few adjustments to your diet to cut down on animal products. And we’ve found the easiest swaps for to add to dip your toes into veganism.

If you're thinking of embarking on a vegan lifestyle, or perhaps just want to introduce more healthy foods into your life - these simple swaps are a great place to start,’ says Chloe.

It's not all lettuce leaves and tasteless tofu - enjoy these delicious vegan treats and see the benefits for yourself...’

Swap cows milk for almond milk

Swap cows milk for almond milk

This delicious vegan alternative has fewer calories, less saturated fat and most importantly none of the hormones that are found in regular cows milk. It also contains half of your daily dose of vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin.

Swap fattening desserts for natural sweet treats

Swap fattening desserts for natural sweet treats

There are many incredible vegan dessert recipes, but if you need a quick natural sugar fix, pop grapes in the freezer and enjoy like sweets. If you're craving something creamy - blend frozen bananas, dates and vanilla almond milk for a decadent, fat-free treat!

Swap beef burgers for sweet potato and chickpea patties

Swap beef burgers for sweet potato and chickpea patties

If you fancy a tasty alternative to the traditional beef burger, get creative and make your own veggie patties. Sweet potatoes, lentils and chickpeas work beautifully and silken tofu can be used in place of eggs to bind your ingredients together.

Swap calorific carbonara for an avocado-based sauce

Swap calorific carbonara for an avocado-based sauce

Many cheese based pasta sauces are loaded with fat and calories, offering little in nutritional value. For a heart-healthy alternative, blend avocados, low fat soya yoghurt, lemon juice and rosemary for a deliciously creamy pasta sauce.

Swap chicken for protein-packed quinoa

(Image credit: Food and Drink/REX)

Swap chicken for protein-packed quinoa

Quinoa is a delicious, nutty flavoured grain that is extremely satisfying with countless health benefits. A complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a great alternative to meat one day a week. Serve with fresh vegetables, butterbeans and a tomato and basil sauce for a light but comforting meal. For more vegan recipe inspiration, download woman&home's free Eating Smart app, which features vegab recipes as well as gluten free and dairy free recipes for every occasion. Feeling inspired? Check out these fantastic foodie blogs full of tasty vegan recipes: Fat Free Vegan Oh She Glows Sprouted Kitchen This Rawsome Vegan Life