Fall equinox 2021—what it means and the best ritual to mark this important astrological event

Fall equinox 2021 will bring an opportunity to address areas in your life which are in desperate need of balancing

Harvest moon on the Autumn equinox. The moonrise just after it rose above a bank of storm clouds in southwestern Colorado near Hovenweep National Monument.
(Image credit: Douglas Meek/Getty Images)

The fall equinox marks the migration into the fall season and is an opportunity to focus on the changes you seek to make as days become shorter and we enter the season of darkness.

Although some might say it's officially fall, now Starbucks has released its pumpkin spice seasonal menu, in actual fact it all kicks off on the fall equinox on Wednesday September 22, 2021.

What is the fall equinox?

The fall, or autumnal, equinox is the astrological start of the fall season in the Northern Hemisphere and of the spring season in the Southern Hemisphere. It's the only date where the night and day are equal in length.

To find out what this equinox means for us and how to harness its power, woman&home spoke to Inbaal Honigman. Inbaal is an expert astrologist, tarot reader, and psychic. 

She explains that now's the time to address finding balance in your life, "At the time of the fall equinox, we strive for balance, being the time of equal light and dark."

"Until now, every day was longer than its night. For the next six months, every night will be longer than its day, we're entering the season of darkness, the time of gathering our resources and rationing our energy."

Fall equinox 2021 ritual

Ceremonies and rituals are as old as time and for many, observing the likes of full moon rituals is an opportunity to reset and harness our true potential. The fall equinox is no different, says Inbaal.

"On the day of the equinox, we transition from creating to preserving, achieving momentary balance," she explains. "To honor this moment of balance and transition, we want to stand at a place between two worlds. Outdoors between the sea and the sand, or indoors right by the window, or in our minds in a meditative moment between the earth plane and the higher realms."

Preparation is key if you want to get the most of this event. "Cleanse your ceremonial space, either physically by brushing the ground clockwise, or mentally by visualizing yourself blowing away all negativity and fear."

Equinox rituals, burning sage.

(Image credit: Sarah Palmer/Getty Images)

Once you've cleansed it's time to invite the four elements into your space. Inball says, "Light a candle for fire, blow some incense for air, some water in a bowl, and another bowl of sand for the element of earth. Place a balancing crystal such as calcite or clear quartz in the center, or a Tarot card like the 2 of Pentacles or Justice to invite the fifth element of spirit to your space."

Up next, it's time to really think about you and what you need. "Breathe deeply and make a list of all the things you want to balance in your life," she says. "Where is balance lacking? Work/life, friendships/relationships, fitness/rest, goals/ compassion. Spend time looking at the four elements while thinking about the way your life would feel if you had those elements all in balance."

You might be concerned if you don't have the Tarot cards or crystals needed for the ceremony but Inbaal says, "an image on a screen is fine!"

"Hold your crystal or Tarot card in your hand and listen to your mind, to see if you receive any messages, and write them down."

After you've allowed the time to let these messages in she says, "Enjoy some calming breaths to exit this ritual state, and expect a wonderful night's sleep."

Aoife Hanna
Junior News Editor

Aoife is an Irish journalist and writer with a background in creative writing, comedy, and TV production.

Formerly woman&home's junior news editor and a contributing writer at Bustle, her words can be found in the Metro, Huffpost, Delicious, Imperica and EVOKE.

Her poetry features in the Queer Life, Queer Love anthology.

Outside of work you might bump into her at a garden center, charity shop, yoga studio, lifting heavy weights, or (most likely) supping/eating some sort of delicious drink/meal.