Should you buy a dehumidifier this winter? Experts say yes, and here's why

Experts reveal exactly why buying a dehumidifier is the best way to beat humidity caused by drying laundry indoors and having the heating on

A dehumidifier on a rug in a living room for a guide on should you buy a dehumidifier for winter
(Image credit: Getty Images | Mary Violet)

Now is the perfect time of the year to buy a device that removes moisture from our homes, because a number of seasonal factors make excess humidity more problematic during winter months. 

Investing in one of the best dehumidifiers is the easiest way to eradicate excess moisture in the air, so if you have a problem with dampness or condensation on windows in your house, this handy home device is a must-have for the colder seasons.

With the cost of living crisis and high energy prices making many of us think twice before turning the heating on this year, our homes could become more susceptible to damp. This is because while we can put an extra jumper on to keep warm without putting the heating on, our homes still feel the effects of the cold.

This is made worse by wet weather or activities like using the hob or drying clothes indoors, which can increase the amount of moisture in the air. 

Why should you buy a dehumidifier in winter?

Condensation is a real issue at this time of year, and if condensation isn’t dealt with, the excess moisture can lead to bigger problems such as mould and mildew. Buying a dehumidifier can help tackle this issue. 

Explaining how a dehumidifier works Chris Michael, managing director of Meaco, the UK’s leading air purification specialist explains: "Dehumidifiers reduce the level of humidity by sucking in air from the room, removing the moisture, and then blowing the warm, dry air back out into the room again. This can help to remove the ‘damp chill’ factor in the air, so the central heating could run at a lower temperature or even be switched off."

Another reason to buy one is that dehumidifiers are far more cost-efficient to run than the cost of turning your heating on. So if you're putting off making your home cosy and warm for as long as possible this winter, then the dehumidifier will help keep the dampness at bay.   

"Dehumidifiers can cost as little as 8p per hour to run*," explains Chris. "Look for dehumidifiers that have a dedicated laundry mode where the machine runs up to six hours before switching itself off to save energy. Investing in an energy-efficient dehumidifier over other similar products on the market can save homeowners up to £150**."

Chris Michael

Chris Michael is the expert co-founder of Meaco. Since its launch in 1991, Meaco has become a leading UK provider of air treatment products and the brand’s products have won a wealth of industry and design awards internationally.

What are the benefits of buying a dehumidifier?

The obvious benefit of a dehumidifier is removing moisture in the air and therefore reducing condensation in the home. The simple but effective machine extracts the excess moisture from the air and turns it into water that collects in a small tank inside the appliance. Aside from this main benefit, running a dehumidifier during the winter months will provide you with further additional benefits. As Chris explains...

  • More cost-effective than tumble dryers when drying laundry: "Most dehumidifiers are cost-effective to run and are significantly cheaper to operate than a tumble dryer. This means a dehumidifier can also help you save money by drying clothes naturally, all while keeping moisture levels lower at home and combatting condensation*.
  • Reduce condensation on windows and prevent mould
  • Improve indoor air quality: By removing excess humidity levels
  • Enhance the efficiency of central heating: "Reducing the moisture level in a room will mean the air is quicker to warm up, helping you save on your heating costs.

testing Meaco dehumidifier at home to qualify for our pick of the best dehumidifiers

(Image credit: Future)

Why is now the best time to buy a dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers are the savour of many winter households, because as we've explained excess moisture is more prominent during the colder months. Here are the main reasons to buy a dehumidifier at this time of the year...

1. Improve central heating efficiency

A dehumidifier improves your indoor air quality by removing excess moisture from the air before it can do any damage to clean walls before any signs of mould can form. Reducing the moisture level in a room will allow the air to warm up quicker, helping you save on your heating costs while still keeping your house warmer for winter

"In turn, this will reduce the room's relative humidity and the air will feel warmer because the ‘damp chill’ will be removed," says Chris. "As a result, a home will be easier to heat, so thermostats can be turned down and heating bills will be reduced."

2. Reduce condensation on windows

While there are savvy tricks and even plants that can help with condensation the best way to deal with excess moisture and significant condensation problems is with a dehumidifier.

As the weather gets colder, condensation can form on the inside of windows in our homes. "If left untreated, this unsightly moisture creates ideal conditions for mould to flourish," Chris warns. "This can cause damp smells, damage fabrics and decorations, and even cause respiratory illnesses.

"The simple but effective machine removes the excess moisture from the air (the difference between a dehumidifier vs a humidifier) meaning there will not be enough moisture for condensation to form on the windows." 

3. Dry winter washing more effectively

Probreeze dehumidifier at home being tested as part of our best dehumidifier buying guide

(Image credit: Future)

Using a dehumidifier to dry clothes is a more efficient way of doing laundry indoors, by helping to remove dampness. 

"Dehumidifiers are very effective at drying laundry," says Chris. "Not only do they dry laundry quickly, and at a low running cost, but they prevent the excess moisture created by the wet laundry from causing damp, mould and condensation in your home."

When looking for a model to help with drying laundry in winter Chris advises the following: "Look for dehumidifiers that have a dedicated laundry mode or a built-in humidistat where the machine can run for up to six hours before switching itself off, or only switch on when the room reaches a certain humidity level to save energy."

It's also worth noting that due to popularity of dehumidifiers last year, a lot of brands sold out – they became almost impossible to get hold of meaning that FOMO could also play a part in the reason why you might want to buy one now, to avoid missing out. 

Is it worth buying a dehumidifier in the Black Friday sales?

In short, yes. While they will always be a good investment it is a good idea to look to save money from the outset. We recommend picking up a bargain in the seasonal sales because you can find the model you want but pay less.

We already know the benefits of buying a dehumidifier, but another benefit would be saving even more money by purchasing this winter essential while it's on offer in the best Black Friday dehumidifier deals.

Dehumidifiers are popular products in the UK this year for the reasons already stated, so they're selling out fast. Snapping one up while it's in stock and on offer in the seasonal sales would be wise before stock gets any lower and prices return to the usual RRP. 


*Based on a dehumidifier that can extract up to 12 litres a day and runs at 0.157 kWh, the average tumble dryer uses roughly 4.5 kWh per cycle. Calculations are based on the price of 27p per kWh (October 2023). **Research from Meaco in April 2022 after the spring price rate rise found that the Meaco Arete One 20L was £143 a year cheaper to run than its worst-performing competitor, based on six hours of use per day over 365 days.  

Tamara Kelly
Lifestyle Editor

Tamara is a highly experienced homes and interiors journalist, with a career spanning 22 years. Now the Lifestyle Editor of, she has spent the last 17 years working with the style teams at Country Homes & Interiors and Ideal Home, and it’s with these award-winning interiors teams that she gained a wealth of knowledge and honed her skills and passion for styling and writing about every aspect of lifestyle and interiors.

A true homes and interiors expert, Tamara has served as an ambassador for leading interior brands on multiple occasions, including appearing on Matalan’s The Show and presenting at top interior trend forecasting events such as the Autumn Fair and Spring Fair.