Sara Cox Shares Her Feel Good Secrets

Sara Cox

Radio 2 DJ Sara Cox, 41, has three children, Lola, 11, from her marriage to DJ Jon Carter, and Isaac, seven, and Renee, five, with her husband, advertising executive Ben Cyzer. She tells us what keeps her feeling fit and fabulous...
My beauty regime...
I love a facial balm; I use one by Eve Lom and it's the one thing that feels as if it gets my face clean. Then I'll use an oil by Kiehl's or Sanctuary with a bit of day cream on top. My make-up... My go-to products are a Tom Ford tinted moisturiser, an Armani foundation and a Smashbox mascara. One thing I've always sworn by though is Vaseline; my mum recently bought me a massive collection (the size of a dinner plate!) of the little tins - I couldn't live without them. My exercise routine... I used to see exercise as a way of getting into shape, but now it's all about feeling good - and I'm actually fitter than ever. I run home from work (five-and-a-half miles) once or twice a week and do classes at Frame in Queen's Park too. I like Barre, which uses ballet techniques and their ‘Ass and Abs' class really tones you up! I also follow Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, on Twitter; he posts short workouts you can do at home. I'd like to get into meditation I can sort my head out! My get-fit tip... On days I plan to work out, I put my workout gear on underneath my ordinary clothes as soon as I get up - that way, you don't have that wrench of having to put your sports bra on in the afternoon when it's cold - plus, your mindset is that you're going to exercise at some point that day. My diet... I try to eat "real" food as much as I can; often I'll shove a load of ingredients - spinach, an apple or whatever's knocking about - in my NutriBullet. Nothing beats a bit of buttery toast though! I think a little bit of what you fancy does you good. My health... When I turned 40, I noticed I couldn't read the label on the back of a jar of food - it turned to be the result of presbyopia where the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus on near objects due to age. So now I wear multifocal contact lenses - and they've been a real blessing. It means I've got one less thing to worry about! My "me" time... At home, we've got a summer room, which sounds more posh than it is (it's part of the garage), and when it's warm, I sneak down there with the papers. The only problem is that it's all windows, so when Ben's upstairs, he can see I've crept off and left the kids running feral round the house! My feel good secret... A little bit of St. Tropez goes a long way. Every so often my friend, Jules Heptonstall will give me a spritz; he says it's like bringing me back to life! My guilty pleasure... Lindt chocolate teddy bears; Ben and I bought some for the kids for Christmas, but forgot to actually give them away, so now and again, I put one in the fridge and once it's gone really cold, I can't resist snapping off a bit of its face to eat! I'm happiest when... I'm in bed! We've got a huge super king with a big heavy duvet and the kids will pile in with some brioche or a cheese sandwich - and our dog, Beano, will join too. I love those moments. My dream escape... I love heading to the coast whenever I can. I recently took the kids to the Isle of Wight and it was freezing, but there were bright blue skies and deserted sandy beaches. It was gorgeous!
Sara Cox wears 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST MULITFOCAL Contact Lenses - allowing her to see near, far and in between without reading glasses or bifocals.

Nathalie Whittle

Natalie Whittle is a British journalist specialising in celebrity content in the women's lifestyle sector. She previously held the role of Celebrity Director at Woman & Home and has also worked at Prima, Red & Good Housekeeping.