Meghan Markle reveals how dating Prince Harry changed her perspective on ‘dirty word’ in Archetypes podcast

The Duchess of Sussex has opened up about her negative understanding of an English word in the first episode of her new Spotify podcast

(Image credit: Getty)

Meghan Markle has revealed in her new podcast, Archetypes, how dating Prince Harry changed how she interpreted a 'dirty' word in the English language. 

Meghan Markle has revealed how her relationship with Prince Harry changed her perspective on a particular 'dirty word': ambition. 

The Duchess of Sussex shared the fascinating insight on Tuesday in her new podcast, Archetypes, nearly two years after she and her royal husband launched their production company, Archewell Audio. The exciting release comes shortly after Prince Harry's solo trip to Rwanda as President of African Parks was revealed. 

The first episode of Meghan's Spotify podcast, which promises to "investigate the labels that try to hold women back," sees the 40-year-old welcome her close friend, Serena Williams, for a candid conversation on life as a high-achieving woman in the public eye. Entitled, "The Misconception of Ambition", the 57-minute-long discussion also features expert comments from Dr. Laura Kay, a leading authority on gender in the workplace. 


(Image credit: Getty)

Meghan introduces the episode with audio of her speaking as an 11-year-old girl, which was recorded three months after she successfully incited Procter & Gamble to change its advertising of a dishwashing soap to be gender neutral. She calls the triumph, which resulted from a 'letter writing campaign' to a selection of powerful people, an "awakening to the millions of ways, big and small, that our society tries to box women in, to hold women back, to tell women who and what they should and can be.

I've never lost touch with that reality, and in the last few years, my desire to do something about it has grown. My 11-year-old voice has also gotten a little more confident – maybe a little louder." 

Meghan has promised to dissect negative words that have been used to describe women throughout history, as well as the sexist double standards that continue to infiltrate our patriarchal society. 

"I don't remember ever personally feeling the negative connotation behind the word 'ambitious' until I started dating my now husband," Meghan told Serena. 

"Apparently ambition is a terrible, terrible thing, for a woman that is – according to some. So, since I've felt the negativity behind it, it's really hard to un-feel it. I can't unsee it, either, in the millions of girls and women who make themselves smaller — so much smaller – on a regular basis."

Prince Harry also made a brief contribution to the podcast, which was presumably recorded at the royal couple's $14 million Santa Barbara mansion in Montecito. 

"Look who just popped in," Meghan says at the 11:12 mark, before both she and Serena chirp 'Hello!' in a hilarious English accent. 

"I like what you've done with your hair, that's a great vibe," Harry says. 

"Thank you, good to see you as always, I miss you guys," the tennis star replies, to which the duke says, "Well come and see us!" Meghan interjects at this point to say, "We'll make a plan," before Harry wishes the two women to "have fun" with the rest of the podcast. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.