Melania Trump breaks silence on Capitol Riots

Melania Trump has released an essay addressing the capitol riots and unrest

Melania Trump
(Image credit: Getty / Bloomberg / Contributor)

Melania Trump has said she is ‘disheartened’ and ‘disappointed’ following the riots on the Capitol after pro-trump supporters rioted and stormed the Capitol building, causing members of Congress to evacuate and flee. After five days of silence, Melania Trump has written an essay addressing the riots.

The White House released the 600-word essay titled ‘Our Path forward.’ to a backlash of comments, with The independent branding it as ‘self-pitying’ 

“I find it shameful that surrounding these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me.”  Melania writes in the essay, that now is a time to focus on healing, but in a ‘civil manner.’

The soon to be former First Lady said, “I absolutely condemn the violence that has occurred on our Nation’s Capitol. Violence is never acceptable.” She went on to say  “I implore people to stop the violence, never make assumptions based on the color of a person’s skin or use differing political ideologies as a basis for aggression and viciousness.”

The essay calls for togetherness, “Our path forward is to come together, find our commonalities, and be the kind and strong people that I know we are.” The opposite of which we have seen since the election was decided. 

The essay then concludes with how inspiring Melania has found being FLOTUS. She goes on to say “It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your First Lady. I want to thank the millions of Americans who supported my husband and me over the past 4 years” 

Several of the Pro-Trump rioters have been arrested and charged, and tributes have flooded in for the police officers who lost their lives. 

The essay comes as husband, Donald Trump is facing a second impeachment and a ban from Twitter. Many celebrities have also taken to social media to condemn the riots, with Susan Sarandon branding them Terrorists.

Naomi Jamieson
Digital Beauty Writer

Naomi is a Digital Beauty Writer from woman&home, where she covers everything from skincare to fragrance but specialises, particularly, in makeup and nail trends. Through her work, Naomi gets to share her trend expertise and share her own shopping recommendations and product reviews. Previously, she worked as a Lifestyle News Writer for My Imperfect Life magazine, where she used her savvy for TikTok to bring readers the latest beauty buzzwords, fashion movements and must-have products. 

Before that, Naomi split her time between both GoodTo and My Imperfect Life, whilst training for her Gold Standard diploma in Journalism with the NCTJ, for which she earned a Distinction. Interestingly though, Naomi actually has a background in design, having studied illustration at Plymouth University but leapt into the media world in 2020, after always having a passion for writing. Now, when she isn’t reporting on the best perfumes and latest beauty releases, you can find her drinking copious cups of coffee, drawing and probably online shopping...