Katherine Jenkins interview

Katherine Jenkins-celeb-woman and home

I was four the first time I performed in public. There was a talent show at school. That was the moment the seed was planted. I thought, "I would like to do a bit more of this."

My mum has been brilliant because she understood that it was a passion. My earliest memories are of her being there for me, but not in a "pushy mum" way. She's always been cautious and has never been carried away by the showbiz side of it all. My mum's advice to me and my sister, Laura, was to work hard in school. She said we could be whatever we wanted to be, and that, as women, we should be independent and not rely on anybody else financially.

I never get nervous when I'm performing. Unless I'm doing something out of my comfort zone, like Dancing With The Stars. But when I'm singing I really enjoy that connection with the audience.

My dad passed away when I was 15. It gave me an insight that life is too short not to go for what you want. You are responsible for making things happen in your own life – and I know that my dad would have really liked me to have pursued my dreams.

Girls' nights are the best, although they're rare because I can't really go out when I'm performing because I can't drink. I have to rest my voice too, and I don't talk at all when I'm performing. It's the best way to heal my voice and if people make the effort to come and see me sing, I don't want to let them down.

I'm a typical Cancerian so I'm a nest builder. I live in London and I enjoy my home being a social hub. Yesterday, I cooked a roast dinner and had ten people round because my mum was staying. I would choose a night like that over a red carpet event any day.

My sister and I see each other as much as we can.I'll be singing at her wedding this month. I didn't offer because I thought she'd want a day off from me singing! When they asked, I was surprised. It will be such an honour.

My latest hobby is training for the London Marathon in April. I'm raising money for Macmillan. After Dancing With The Stars, my fitness level was crazily high, so I decided to make the most of it, and I did my first run in October.

My big dream is children, and getting married. For women in my business it's very difficult to decide when to stop. But I can't wait to be a mum and if – please God – I am, I think it's a gift and I want to enjoy it. I want two children, or three, and I don't want to be on tour; I want to see it all - I don't want to miss anything.

Katherine Jenkins and Il Divo's co-headline UK tour starts on 4 April in Nottingham. For tickets, go to gigsandtours.com.

This is an edited version of Katherine's interview. To read the full article, pick up the April issue of woman&home, out now.