Janet Street-Porter shares hilarious update from hospital following knee operation

Loose Women's most outspoken panellist, Janet Street-Porter, has shared her first update from hospital following her recent knee surgery.

The 71-year-old presenter posted on Twitter to reveal that she is now 'up walking' following the op.

She also delighted her followers with a hilarious comment, that she's been indulging in a certain tipple to help ease the pain...

Janet wrote, 'I am up walking! Helped by sneaky tin of g and t yesterday, trying to 'flush out' residual painkillers ha ha x'.

Janet recently revealed live on Loose Women that she will be taking time off the show in order to recover from the operation.

Speaking to her fellow panellists and viewers last week, she admitted that she's been forced to finally have the op as her left knee is now "utterly worn out".

“I’ve got to say these words and I’m not very happy about it - I’ve got to have a knee replacement; my left knee is completely and utterly worn out.

“It’s largely worn out because I’ve spent my entire life walking, playing tennis, keeping fit, doing all those things.”

Janet went on to tell Coleen, Saira and Stacey that she had thus far been ignoring doctors advice, putting off the operation for months.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… I had those operations where they hoover out all the gravel that’s in your joints, arthroscopy. I had that a couple of times.

“A year ago I was supposed to have this operation but I like doing this show and I didn’t want to take time off. I’ve only ever had a serious operation once which was when I broke my leg climbing in the Highlands. Actually, I drove myself to hospital.”

And although she's usually one of the most fierce members of the show, Janet went on to confess that she was feeling scared about the operation.

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She admitted, “I am nervous actually. When I broke my ankle I was just carrying on with life as normal. Now I know I’ve got to take two weeks off to rehabilitate my knee. So if anyone watching can reassure me and tell me that I will be playing tennis again, please write and tell me."

Janet also revealed the extent of the pain she's experienced with her knee - something that helped her realise it was finally time to go under the knife.

"Not a lot of things make me nervous. But I think that anyone watching that’s got that knee pain that keeps you up all night... I’ve been awake every two hours for the last six months.”

Fellow panellist Stacey Solomon went on to reveal that she was going to miss Janet during her absence. She said, “I’m going to miss you so much. I’m actually gutted you’re going.”

However, Janet joked back, “Don’t come and visit me, don’t upstage me. I want to be queen of my zone.”

The hosts of the ITV show finished off by giving Janet a parting gift - a care package for her time spent recovering. Unforunately, the tounge-in-cheek gift also included a slightly awkward, 'Do not resuscitate' sign - but thankfully, Janet was able to laugh off the cheeky present from her friends.

Janet Street-Porter is set to return to to Loose Women in two weeks time.

We're wishing her a speedy recovery!