6 Things You Didn't Know About Carol Kirkwood

Carol Kirkwood

Carol Kirkwood is one of the BBC's most experienced and well-loved weather presenters, appearing on BBC Breakfast, Radio 2 and as a regular contributor to The One Show.

Born one of eight children in Morar, Inverness-shire, Carol Kirkwood, who is divorced from her husband of 25 years, Jimmy Kirkwood, is single and lives alone in Berkshire. Here are 6 surprising things you didn't know about the presenter...

Carol may have plenty of experience presenting the weather, but she still gets nervous...

'I get nervous if there's a big weather story - like lots of snow or torrential rain. The adrenalin starts pumping because I want to get it right. Weather can be life-threatening so I feel a responsibility to do a good job.'

Family is important to Carol...

'My family are very close - and there's lots of us! I've got five sisters and two brothers. We're scattered all over the country so it can be hard to get together. We always make an effort for each other's birthdays though.'

Carol has a refreshing take on divorce...

'It's never easy for anyone - no matter how amicable. One person is always going to be a little bit more hurt than the other. The best thing you can do is try to keep the lines of communication open - although I know that can be impossible at times.'

Carol has faced her own shape struggles...

'I've always battled with my weight. It's because I love chocolate, I love crisps and I love wine. Plus I'm not so good on the whole exercise front.'

And, like anyone, she has her particular pet hates...

'I hate my arms. I'm conscious of them when I do the weather because I spotted them wobbling as I flicked my hand up towards Scotland the other day. So now I move my arms very slowly and gently if I have to point northwards!'

Carols style tip is one we can all follow...

'I think you should wear what you like if it suits you. The only reason I wouldn't wear a mini skirt now is because I don't like my legs.'