A day-by-day guide to the Rosemary Conley diet plan

Looking to try the Rosemary Conley diet to lose weight? This is what you need to know

Glass bowls of yoghurt with blueberries and granola, part of the Rosemary Conley diet plan
(Image credit: Getty Images)

The Rosemary Conley diet has been gaining followers for over 30 years, ever since the diet and fitness guru launched her Hip and Thigh Diet guide. Topping the bestseller charts for almost a year after its release in 1988, it was an instant success and Rosemary has since become a household name in the weight loss world.

Now known as the FAB (Fat Attack Booster) diet in combination with the low GI diet, another popular plan of hers, the Rosemary Conley diet plan aims to help those following it lose fat by reducing the number of calories they're eating every day. 

So, what is Rosemary Conley's diet plan? In short, it's a way to get into a calorie deficit to lose weight. This is when you eat fewer calories than you burn every day, and so force your body to use fat stores for energy rather than carbohydrate.

Rosemary Conley's FAB is relatively versatile way to get into a calorie deficit, as there are no specific foods off limits. However, the daily calorie count is lower than what many people would need to kickstart a healthy, sustainable weight loss process. 

The Fat Attack Booster diet combines a low-fat, calorie-counting approach with manageable exercise in a four-week plan:

  • Weeks 1 and 2: Kick-start booster diet based on 1200 calories a day.
  • Weeks 3 and 4: 1400 calories fortnight
  • Week 4 onwards: Personal FAB Plan based on your individual basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is determined by your age, gender and current weight.

Interested? See below for the first two weeks of the FAB diet plan, complete with menu plans and exercise tips.

Woman washing fruit by the sink in a kitchen

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How do I do the Rosemary Conley diet plan?

You'll only need to follow this diet for two weeks, and during that time, you can make choices from the low-fat meal suggestions. 

Each breakfast menu offers a carbohydrate-based meal (C) and a high-protein meal (P), with vegetarian options (V). The lunch menu offers a carbohydrate option, a high-protein meal option and a Solo Slim (S) ready meal as well as vegetarian options. For dinner you have even more choice, including desserts (D).

It doesn't matter which option you choose⁠—all the breakfasts are 200 calories, all lunches 300 calories and all dinners 400 calories. If you wish, you can repeat a meal on subsequent days. When making your choices, make sure you incorporate five portions a day of fruit and vegetables as well, since these are not included in the overall calorie count for the day. 

During this two-week period, the Rosemary Conley diet also suggests you should also avoid alcohol, along with any extra snacks. Whether you eat your main meal at lunchtime or dinner time doesn't matter though, either works on this plan. 

Power Snacks, very low-calorie snacks designed to keep you going, are included on the diet⁠—although at 50 calories each, they're unlikely to keep you full for very long. Rosemary recommends you eat one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon, then no more. To ensure you're getting adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, follow up with a supplement. 

Exercise is also recommended on this plan. However, be aware that you'll likely be eating significantly less food than normal so many struggle with maintaining your energy levels for any significantly heart-pumping exercise. 

Regular and herbal tea, plus coffee made with water, is also unrestricted in quantity but the Rosemary Conley diet suggests using milk from your 'daily allowance' as required. All low-calorie drinks may be drunk freely, along with water.

Daily calorie allowance:

  • Breakfast: 200 kcal
  • Power Snack: 50 kcal
  • Lunch: 300 kcal
  • Power Snack: 50 kcal
  • Dinner: 400 kcal
  • 450ml skimmed or semi-skimmed milk: 200 kcal
  • Total: 1200 kcal

Day 1:

Breakfast: (C) (V) 50g Special K cereal served with milk from allowance and one tsp sugar. Plus 125ml unsweetened fruit juice OR (P) four grilled turkey rashers, plus 115g baked beans and two grilled tomatoes.

Power Snack: 90g fresh blueberries

Lunch: (C) (V) One hard-boiled egg, sliced and made into a sandwich with two slices wholegrain bread spread with one tsp extra-light mayonnaise and filled with salad vegetables OR (P) (V) two hard-boiled eggs served with a large mixed salad tossed in oil-free dressing. Plus one kiwi fruit and one satsuma OR (S) (V) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Carrot and Coriander Soup served with one small wholegrain roll (max. 150 calories). Plus, 100g fresh fruit salad. 

Power Snack: One brown Ryvita spread with 20g extra-light soft cheese and topped with two cherry tomatoes. 

Dinner: (C) Mint Salsa Lamb Steak served with either couscous (50g uncooked weight) or 200g new potatoes (boiled in skins), plus either a large salad tossed in oil-free dressing or 50g carrots and 50g broccoli OR (P) Braised Lamb Shanks served with unlimited fresh vegetables (excluding potatoes) OR (V) Roasted Vegetable Sausages served with 200g baked sweet potato OR (D) 150g lean lamb steak, grilled, served with 200g vegetables (excluding potatoes) plus a little low-fat gravy and mint sauce. Plus, one Müllerlight banana and custard yogurt or other low-fat dessert (max. 100 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Lamb Hotpot served with 200g fresh vegetables of your choice (excluding potatoes). Plus, one piece fresh fruit. 

Daily Fitness Challenge: Depending on your current level of fitness, you might like to take up a walking for weight loss challenge—starting with a 15-minute walk. 

Woman walking with her dog through a woodland area while following the Rosemary Conley diet

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Day 2:

Breakfast: (C) Energy muesli (prepare the night before): Mix 15g (dry weight) porridge oats, 10g sultanas, four chopped almonds, one apple and one carrot (both coarsely grated) with 50g low-fat natural yogurt. OR (P) two eggs, scrambled, dry-fried or poached, plus three grilled tomatoes and 50g grilled mushrooms

Power Snack: Solo Slim Nutrition Bar or one small apple or pear. 

Lunch: (C) (V) 50g low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat) served with one small multigrain bread roll (max. 150 kcal), halved, spread with pickle or extra-light mayonnaise and made into open sandwiches with salad leaves and sliced spring onions and cucumber OR (P) 100g cooked chicken breast served with one small mixed salad tossed in oil-free dressing and one low-fat yogurt (max. 100 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) (V) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Mushroom Stroganoff plus either a large mixed salad or two pieces fresh fruit

Power Snack: 1/2 Solo Slim Nutrition Bar or two satsumas

Dinner: (C) Ginger Beef Stir-Fry with Noodles plus one tsp sweet chilli sauce OR (P) Oriental Beef Stir-Fry OR (V) Sweet and sour vegetable stir-fry: Chop 1⁄2 onion, 1⁄2 red pepper and one celery stick and dry-fry with 50g sliced mushrooms, handful of mangetout and baby corn until soft. Add 125g low-fat sweet and sour sauce. Serve with boiled basmati rice (55g dry weight) and a little soy sauce OR (D) Any low-fat stir-fry ready meal, e.g. beef stir-fry or similar (max. 350 kcal and 5% fat) served with 150g beansprouts or mangetout. Plus one Hartley's Low Sugar Jelly (max. 10 kcal) and 120g fresh fruit salad, or other low-fat dessert of your choice (max. 70 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Beef Meatballs and Potato served with 100g carrots and 100g broccoli or cabbage. Plus, two satsumas or kiwi fruits.

Daily Fitness Challenge: Walk briskly for 15 minutes. It's also important to incorporate strength training into your exercise, both on this diet plan and onwards, so you could start with some light ab work or bodyweight squats.

Mushroom stroganoff, one of the meals available on the Rosemary Conley diet plan

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Day 2 on the Rosemary Conley diet Plan

Breakfast: (C) Energy muesli (prepare the night before): Mix 15g (dry weight) porridge oats, 10g sultanas, four chopped almonds, one apple and one carrot (both coarsely grated) with 50g low-fat natural yogurt. OR (P) two eggs, scrambled, dry-fried or poached, plus three grilled tomatoes and 50g grilled mushrooms. 

Power Snack: 1⁄2 Solo Slim Nutrition Bar or one small apple or pear 

Lunch: (C) (V) 50g low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat) served with one small multigrain bread roll (max. 150 kcal), halved, spread with pickle or extra-light mayonnaise and made into open sandwiches with salad leaves and sliced spring onions and cucumber OR (P) 100g cooked chicken breast served with one small mixed salad tossed in oil-free dressing and one low-fat yogurt (max. 100 kcal and 5% fat), OR (S) (V) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Mushroom Stroganoff plus either a large mixed salad or two pieces fresh fruit. 

Power Snack: 1/2 Solo Slim Nutrition Bar or two satsumas. 

Dinner: (C) Ginger Beef Stir-Fry with Noodles plus one tsp sweet chilli sauce OR (P) Oriental Beef Stir-Fry OR (V) Sweet and sour vegetable stir-fry: Chop 1⁄2 onion, 1⁄2 red pepper and one celery stick and dry-fry with 50g sliced mushrooms, handful of mangetout and baby corn until soft. Add 125g low-fat sweet and sour sauce. Serve with boiled basmati rice (55g dry weight) and a little soy sauce OR (D) Any low-fat stir-fry ready meal, e.g. beef stir-fry or similar (max. 350 kcal and 5% fat) served with 150g beansprouts or mangetout. 

Plus, one Hartley's Low Sugar Jelly (max. 10 kcal) and 120g fresh fruit salad, or other low-fat dessert of your choice (max. 70 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Beef Meatballs and Potato served with 100g carrots and 100g broccoli or cabbage. Plus, 2 satsumas or kiwi fruits. 

Daily Fitness Challenge: Walk briskly for 15 minutes and do some strength training work, either squats or light bodyweight lunges. 

Day 3 on Rosemary Conley's Plan

Breakfast: (C) (V) One slice toasted wholegrain bread spread with two tsp marmalade, jam or honey. Plus 1⁄2 grapefruit sprinkled with granulated sweetener OR (P) (V) 200g 2% fat Greek yogurt served with 100g fresh blueberries or raspberries. 

Power Snack: 12 seedless grapes 

Lunch: (C) 100g tinned tuna (in brine or spring water), drained, served with one wholemeal pitta bread plus salad and one tsp low-fat salad dressing OR (P) 100g tinned tuna (in brine or spring water), drained, served with small mixed salad tossed in oil-free dressing. Plus, one blue Portion Pot (80g) low-fat fruit yogurt and one red Portion Pot (115g) raspberries OR (S) (V) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Chunky Vegetable Soup served with one small wholegrain bread roll (max. 150 kcal). Plus, one satsuma or kiwi fruit. 

Power Snack: 12 cherry tomatoes 

Dinner: (C) Two low-fat beef or pork sausages (max. 5% fat), grilled, served with 250g mashed sweet potato plus 100g spring greens or sliced cabbage, 100g cauliflower or broccoli and a little low-fat gravy. 

OR (P) Two low-fat beef or pork sausages, grilled, served with 115g baked beans, 200g tinned tomatoes boiled until reduced plus unlimited grilled or boiled mushrooms OR (V) Two Quorn sausages served with 250g mashed sweet potato, plus 100g spring greens or sliced cabbage, 100g cauliflower or broccoli and a little low-fat gravy. 

OR (D) Two low-fat sausages, grilled, served with 100g mashed sweet potato, plus 100g each spring greens or cabbage, 100g cauliflower or broccoli and a little low-fat gravy. 

Plus one low-sugar jelly, e.g. Hartley's (max. 10 kcal) served with 100ml scoop low-fat (max. 5% fat) ice cream (e.g. Wall's Soft Scoop) or other low-fat pudding (max. 75 kcal and 5% fat), OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Sausage Casserole served with 100g each cabbage and cauliflower 

Daily Fitness Challenge: Continue with light walking and strength-combination exercises.

Beef stir fry in black cast iron pan

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Day 4 on Rosemary Conley's Plan

Breakfast: (C) (V) Soak 15g All-Bran overnight in 100g low-fat natural yogurt with four chopped almonds, 10 sultanas and one tsp honey. OR (P) one egg, boiled or poached, served with 75g wafer-thin ham or Quorn Deli Ham Style Slices and one tomato, sliced. Plus 1⁄2 fresh grapefruit sprinkled with granulated sweetener. 

Power Snack: 200g fresh melon 

Lunch: (C) 115g baked beans served with 200g potato baked in its skin plus a large salad tossed in oil-free dressing OR (P) 115g baked beans served with two well-grilled rashers lean bacon and 50g grilled mushrooms OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Spicy Mixed Bean Soup plus two Ryvitas spread with extra-light soft cheese and topped with sliced cucumber and tomato 

Power Snack: 15 raisins or sultanas 

Dinner: (C) 100g salmon steak, grilled, steamed or microwaved, served with 100g new potatoes (boiled in skins) plus 100g mangetout and one tsp Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce mixed with one dsp extra-light mayonnaise.

OR (P) Chinese Salmon Steaks with Stir-Fried Vegetables OR (V) one low-fat pizza (max. 350 kcal and 5% fat) served with a mixed salad tossed in oil-free dressing OR (D) 80g salmon steak, grilled, steamed or microwaved, served with 100g mangetout and one tsp Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce mixed with one tsp extra-light mayonnaise. Plus, Eton Mess: one meringue basket, broken up, mixed with one tbsp 2% fat Greek yogurt and 10 fresh raspberries, or other low-fat dessert (max. 70 kcal and 5% fat).  

OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Leek and Potato Soup, plus one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Moroccan Spiced Chickpea Tagine. 

Daily Fitness Challenge: Continue with light walking for 20 minutes, alongside bodyweight squats, lunges or ab work. 

Day 5 on Rosemary Conley's Plan

Breakfast: (C) One egg, boiled or poached, served on one slice toasted wholegrain bread spread with Marmite. Plus 200g melon OR (P) 200g 2% fat Greek yogurt served with 100g fresh strawberries. 

Power Snack: 100g fresh pineapple 

Lunch: (C) 115g cooked shelled prawns served with one low-fat tortilla wrap (max. 130 kcal and 5% fat) spread with two tsp Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce and filled with chopped peppers, cherry tomatoes, rocket leaves, spring onions OR (P) 115g cooked shelled prawns served with large mixed salad tossed in two tsp low-fat thousand island dressing. Plus, one low-fat yogurt (max. 80 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Vegetable Curry. Plus, one Solo Slim Nutrition Bar and one satsuma or kiwi fruit. 

Power Snack: 100g fresh cherries 

Dinner: (C) Chicken Korma served with boiled basmati rice (55g dry weight) OR (P) Chicken Korma (as above) served with a side salad. Plus 50g low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat), chopped and served with one small apple, sliced, three sticks celery, chopped, and five seedless grapes OR (V) Korma (as above, but use Quorn Chicken Style fillets, or similar) with boiled basmati rice (55g dry weight) OR (D) Chicken Korma (as above) served with 30g (dry weight) boiled basmati rice. Plus, one low-fat dessert (max. 100 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Chicken Korma plus 100g beansprouts and one mini pitta bread.

Daily Fitness Challenge: Walk for 25 minutes and do some light ab work. 

Prawns in a wrap, part of the Rosemary Conley diet

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Day 6 on Rosemary Conley's Plan

Breakfast: (C) (V) 50g any bran cereal (e.g. Sultana Bran, All-Bran, bran flakes) served with milk from allowance and 1 tsp sugar or 1 sliced small apple OR (P) 75g smoked salmon plus 1 scrambled egg made using milk from allowance 

Power Snack: 1 fun-sized mini banana 

Lunch: (C) 100g cooked chicken breast (no skin) or Quorn Deli Chicken Deli Style Slices, served with 200g stir-fry vegetables, dry-fried with a little soy sauce. Plus 150g fresh fruit OR (P) 100g cooked chicken breast (no skin) or Quorn Deli Chicken Style Slices served with large mixed salad plus 2 dsp low-fat Caesar dressing and topped with 20g shaved low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat) OR (S) 1 pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Chicken and Mushroom Risotto. Plus 1 satsuma or plum 

Power Snack: 100g fresh cherries 

Dinner: (C) Pork and Leek Casserole served with 100g mashed sweet potato and unlimited green vegetables OR (P) Melon and Parma ham cocktail: 200g sliced melon mixed with 28g Parma ham. Plus, Pork and Leek Casserole (as above) served with 200g fresh vegetables of your choice (excluding potatoes). 

OR (V) 52g dry weight spaghetti, boiled with a vegetable stock cube, served with 175g fresh tomato sauce (max. 5% fat) and topped with 20g grated low-fat mature cheese (max. 5% fat). Plus 1 low- fat yogurt or fromage frais (max. 100 kcal and 5% fat).

OR (D) 125g roast pork served with 200g vegetables of your choice (excluding potatoes) and a little gravy made without fat. Plus, 25g slice fat-free Swiss roll served with 50g low-fat custard, or any other low-fat pudding (max. 130 kcal and 5% fat).

OR (S) 1 pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Leek and Potato Soup, plus one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Pork Meatballs with Smokey Beans. Plus, one kiwi fruit or satsuma.

Daily Fitness Challenge: Continue with the exercise plan as before, whether that's some light walking, strength training, or if you're in the mood for a change, you could try some yoga for beginners.

Day 7 on Rosemary Conley's Plan

Breakfast: (C) One slice toasted wholegrain bread topped with 200g tinned tomatoes boiled until reduced, plus two grilled turkey rashers or Quorn Bacon Style Rashers OR (P) two grilled turkey rashers served with 1 dry-fried or scrambled egg, 100g sliced mushrooms, grilled or dry-fried, and 200g tinned tomatoes boiled until reduced 

Power Snack: Vegetable nibble box: 80g carrot, 60g cucumber and two sticks celery cut into crudités plus 2 cherry tomatoes 

Lunch: (C) Pasta salad: 45g uncooked weight pasta shapes, cooked and cooled, then mixed with 100g tinned tuna (in brine or spring water), drained, or 100g Chicken Deli Slices, chopped, plus shredded lettuce, chopped cucumber, tomatoes and spring onions mixed with oil-free salad dressing OR (P) 200g tinned tuna (in brine or spring water), drained, served with shredded lettuce, chopped cucumber, tomatoes and spring onions mixed with oil-free salad dressing OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Lentil Soup served with one wholemeal pitta bread. Plus 100g fresh fruit salad 

Power Snack: 50g blueberries topped with one tsp low-fat yogurt 

Dinner: (C) Turkey Spaghetti served with a large mixed salad and two tsp low-fat dressing OR (P) Turkey stir-fry with ginger: Chop 100g turkey breast (no skin) into bite-sized pieces and dry-fry in a non-stick pan with 1⁄2 crushed garlic clove. When the turkey has changed colour and is almost cooked through, add one chopped red or green pepper, one chopped celery stick, 1⁄2 chopped red onion, 25g mushrooms and 50g mangetout and dry-fry quickly. Add one tsp grated fresh ginger, soy sauce to taste and one tsp fresh coriander OR (V) Garlic Mushroom Spelt Spaghetti served with a large salad. Plus 100g fresh fruit salad OR (D) Turkey Spaghetti (as above). Plus, 100ml Ben & Jerry's frozen yogurt (any flavour) or any other low-fat dessert (max. 150 kcal and 5% fat) OR (S) one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Butternut Squash Soup, plus one pouch Solo Slim Low-Fat Tomato and Vegetable Pasta served with a large side salad. 

Daily Fitness Challenge: As before. 

Grace Walsh
Health Channel Editor

Grace Walsh is woman&home's Health Channel Editor, working across the areas of fitness, nutrition, sleep, mental health, relationships, and sex. She is also a qualified fitness instructor. In 2024, she will be taking on her second marathon in Rome, cycling from Manchester to London (350km) for charity, and qualifying as a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. 

A digital journalist with over six years experience as a writer and editor for UK publications, Grace has covered (almost) everything in the world of health and wellbeing with bylines in Cosmopolitan, Red, The i Paper, GoodtoKnow, and more.