Sarah Cooper-White

Sarah Cooper-White

Group Beauty Director Sarah Cooper-White has almost 20 years experience as a beauty journalist. She has written for many well known national magazines, newspapers and brands including Woman & Home, Woman, Woman's Own, Woman's Weekly, Boots, Tesco, ELLE, InStyle, The Mirror, The Sun, Prima and Top Sante. 

Sarah's love for beauty started at a young age when she used to make up her own face masks and 'perfumes' in the kitchen made from herbs and flowers she'd grown in the garden! As a student she often blew much of her student loan on Ruby & Millie make-up and Lancome skincare and her signature look was a sparkly eyeshadow, even in the daytime (it was the 90s!). 

But it wasn't until her first proper job in magazines, as the Features Assistant at ELLE magazine, where she realised you could actually BE a beauty journalist and there and then she decided that was the job for her. Since then she's met hundreds of talented and inspiring people from hairstylists and dermatologists to biochemists and aestheticians and loves passing on their incredible knowledge through her writing. 

The power of beauty, whether it be make-up, haircare, skincare or fragrance, to make someone feel more confident, happier and generally better about themselves fascinates Sarah and she's a strong believer that beauty and self care is not a frivolous thing but essential to better mental health, empowerment and confidence. 

After being diagnosed with skin cancer in her 20s, Sarah developed a passion for skincare and is constantly on a quest to educate people about the importance of looking after their skin. She'll never say never to Botox but believes that a good skincare regime (as well as staying out of the sun) is one of the best investments you can make for your future self.

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