The New Moon December 2022 provides strong manifestation vibes for the New Year

The New Moon December 2022 says that you truly are the CEO of your life and you’re co-creating it with the Universe – really!

Park in winter at night with Moon in the sky.
(Image credit: Mike_Pellinni/Getty Images)

The New Moon December 2022 is in Capricorn - a sign known for getting stuff done. Calling anybody serious about moving forward - the final New Moon of 2022 is here and with it comes major manifesting energy. 

New Moons are always times of initiation, when we convene with the cosmos to infuse new energy into our latest goals, dreams, and endeavors. And because the last installment in the Moon calendar 2022 is in the sign of Capricorn, it’s going to have us channeling our energy into making big power moves that will have us leveling up our vibes in 2023.

And we deserve it, because after a wild and tumultuous 2022, both personally and politically, we all deserve a major change of pace. That’s what the New Moon December 2022 promises - the start of the major planetary vibe shifts that are coming 2023, and we can get a head start on them now. 

Think of this as the perfect time to start living in the future by mastering the art of self-concept. Basically, imagine how you’re going to feel when (not if) you accomplish your goal. Imagine yourself at your dream job, in your ideal relationship, feeling confident in your body, or whatever is. And then use this lunation, in the midst of Capricorn season 2022 to believe that you already have it, are in it, or embody it. You may have heard the advice “if they wanted to, they would,” to explain why someone is not coming forward or doing what you want. This lunation is turning that on its head and saying, “if you want to, you will.” Don’t lose sight of your goal. Planting those seeds of intention now will pay off by the end of 2023 – and you’ll be glad not only that you started now, but that you believed in yourself.

On December 23, 2022, at 5:16 AM EST, the Moon will catch up with the Sun at 1 degree of Capricorn – joining three other planets, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto, all currently in the sign of the Sea Goat. Imagine this combination of cosmic alignments as if the planets are throwing a festive party in the Capricorn house of your chart. We’ve got the Sun and Moon focusing on aligning your heart with your ambition, you have Mercury there to help you articulate your wishes, Venus there to remind you of your value and that you deserve what you desire, and Pluto there to show you of your immense inner power.

Here's how the New Moon in December 2022 will affect you depending on your star sign. For the most accurate reading, look at your sun, moon, or rising sign according to your astrology birth chart. For added insight into the month ahead, check out woman&home's December 2022 tarotscope and January tarotscope 2022 too.

Capricorn season 2022: Zodiac signs inside of horoscope circle. Astrology in the sky with many stars and moons astrology and horoscopes concept.

(Image credit: sarayut Thaneerat/Getty Images)


Here’s the thing, Aries. You have a New Moon in your tenth house of career at a time when the cosmic energy is all about bossing up. Conventional wisdom could suggest it’s time for you to manifest your dream job, something about scaling up the corporate ladder or gaining some extra responsibility. It’s not that you couldn’t handle it – or look good doing it. But the message of this New Moon is about getting super clear about what a “dream” job actually looks like – and being honest if a dream job just means earning enough security to be able to follow your actual dreams outside of office hours. You’re the CEO of your life, so you make the rules.


The year 2023 will be all about breaking out of your comfort zone, Taurus. And the New Moon December 2022 in your ninth house of adventure is pushing you to be the leader of that inner – or outer – revolution. You’ve experienced a lot of shocks and changes over the last year, but instead of feeling a bit tempest tossed or powerless against the whims of fate, the stars are inviting you to chart your own course. Ask yourself what you want to see, what you to do, and what new experiences you want to have. Life is meant for living it the fullest – so get out there and take it all in.


It’s time to get intentional about what you share and with whom, Gemini. With the New Moon December 2022 falling in your 8th house of intimacy, there’s an opportunity to open yourself up to more deep, intense, and ultimately fulfilling patterns in terms of emotional, physical, and sexual bonding. But you also determine where you may be giving your own power away – maybe by offering too much of yourself, your compassion, your heart, your advice, your opinions – to others in ways that don’t reciprocate the energy you’re giving. Remember that your presence is a gift. Knowing you – all the parts of you – is a privilege. And you and the other person must remember this.


You’ve got the ability to direct – or redirect – your love life, Cancer. Think of this energetic shift almost literally. With this New Moon falling in your seventh house of partnership, consider your movie genre. Do you want to star in a romantic comedy? A dramatic romance? A serious documentary about effective co-partnering? You’re the director and the star of your own show. And now you can work with the stars to articulate your dream desires, whatever they may be. So, decide what current plotlines have served their purpose and need to be left on the cutting room floor so you can script a new epic chapter.


Yes, the end of the year often has us considering New Year’s resolutions and all the subsequent restrictions and promises of diet and exercise. With this New Moon in your sixth house of health and habits, Leo, it could certainly be a great time to consider your routines and if you can incorporate more wellness practices into your day – whether that’s something to nourish your mind or your body. But it’s also an opportunity for you to show more appreciation for your physical body, whatever imperfections you consider yourself to have. This New Moon could be a great time to establish daily mantras around self-love and appreciation. Say it often enough and you will believe it.


Virgo, you are being gifted with an opportunity to experience more joy and pleasure. You have auspicious new beginnings in love and romance, if you can follow the stars and cast aside your worries, doubts, and fears, and open yourself up to possibilities. Life is not meant to be taken so seriously – we are here to find the joy but also the humor in ourselves and in what happens to us. So don’t just find your passion during this lunation – feed it. Take a risk. Join a dating site. Say yes to new opportunities. Be spontaneous. Start a new project. Kiss a stranger. You get the idea.


The New Moon December 2022 is about honoring your needs, especially with those closest to you, Libra. As the diplomat of the zodiac, you prioritize fairness, but sometimes that open-minded attitude can come at a personal cost to your sense of peace, safety, and sanctuary. With this New Moon in your fourth house of home and family, this is about reshaping your private life. Perhaps with that restructuring comes an increased sense of leadership – and that can mean taking on more responsibility, but it can also mean delegating it. Surround yourself with people or items that help you get the job done, and don’t take on any more than you need to. That’s your 2023 self-care message.

Winter Solstice 2022: Snowcapped mountains at sunset.

(Image credit: borchee/Getty Images)


Your words can be powerful, Scorpio. But you do have to use them. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about getting something off your chest or want to create an action plan for 2023 goals and resolutions – but you need a little bit of assistance in organizing your thoughts into words. Lucky for you, this New Moon is falling in your third house of communication, gifting you with the energy to formulate just the right words that you can fully express yourself with authority, clarity, and compassion for yourself and others. Remember that communication is ultimately about connection, and now more than ever, people will want to hear from you. Reach out. 


You can make some real power moves during this New Moon in your second house of income, Sagittarius. This lunation is bringing major money magic and increasing your ability to manifest wealth and abundance. If necessary, this celestial energy would be a great time to transform your mindset and believe in your abilities even more. While your bank account is never a reflection of your self-worth, resolving any blockages in the areas of finance can help change your outlook. If you feel like you’re operating from a scarcity or lack mindset, 2023 has can’t-stop-won’t-stop energy for you to see you being rewarded for your hustle and for smart planning. 


If there is any sign that can get a head start on a “New Year, New Me” mindset, it’s you Capricorn. But here’s the thing that you already know: when you put your mind to something, there’s no stopping you. You can climb any mountain and crush any goal – even in the face of adversity. With this New Moon in your first house of self, this is all about celebrating yourself for all your wins along the way – especially the lessons you’ve learned. Now use this cosmic energy to focus on yourself, how far you’ve come, and where you want to go next. The only limit to any of your manifestations is your imagination, so dream big.


It’s OK to withdraw if the holidays are overwhelming for you, Aquarius. This New Moon in your twelfth house of the subconscious is inviting you to sit with any uncomfortable feelings – instead of rushing to distract yourself from feeling them. Your discomfort may point you in the direction of where you need a little extra care and where you may focus your 2023 efforts on self-care, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. But an important part of healing it is feeling it. Luckily for you, with all this dominant earth energy, you’ll be more in tune with the structures you have in place that offer you stability – and can gain greater clarity on what needs adjusting. Stay grounded – and hydrated.


New beginnings are afoot in a very fun area of your life, Pisces. With this New Moon in your eleventh house of groups, you could look forward to more fulfilling friendships – either by deepening the bond with your current network or the sudden appearance of new peers or people who can help you achieve your dreams. The invitation of this lunation is to remember to ask for help when you need it – the collective wisdom, lived experiences, and earned advice of those around you could be very beneficial to you at this time. Stay open-minded to new ways of thinking, relating, and communicating!

Astrologer and tarot reader

Maria Sofia is a Greek-American writer, astrologer, Tarot reader, and intuitive. She is a lifelong lover and student of the stars, who has been practicing divination and magic for 20+ years. 

Maria is Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, and Virgo Rising. Her favorite natal placement in her chart is her Virgo Mercury conjunct the ascendant that makes her a fast writer and talker and she smiles anytime she pulls the Queen of Wands or the Nine of Pentacles.