Rod Stewart interview

Rod Stewart-celebrity pictures-celebrity photos-loves and hates pictures-woman and home
Rod Stewart-celebrity pictures-celebrity photos-loves and hates pictures-woman and home
(Image credit: Beverly News / Rex Features)

You've maintained a good relationship with your exes – what's your secret? Yes, it's true, everything's hunky dory, but there's no secret to it. To be honest, it hasn't always been plain sailing and there's always that moment of animosity when things go wrong initially. You have to wait for that moment to pass and move on.

My loves Football. I am passionate about football. My support for Celtic FC has got me through some hard times in my life. I still play regularly, too.

Cars. Fast cars like Porches and Ferrari's – they are things of beauty.

My kids. I know it's obvious, but they really are my pride and joy andI love spending as much as time as I can with my brood. I learn so much from them.

My hates Smoking. It's just stupid. Smoking anything at all. Plain silly.

A bad cup of tea. Brewing a good cuppa is something not everyone can do and I loathe bad tea.

Being called short. For some reason, I keep reading that I'm short. I'm actually 5ft 11in – it's simply that Penny is taller than me!