Apps To Help People Living With Dementia

dementia app

When someone you love is diagnosed with dementia, it's normal to feel like a piece of them is slipping away - the memories of the person you used to know are getting dimmer, and the person you love isn't the same as they used to be.

And the hard truth is that, eventually, that person might not be everything you remember. But there will always be a part of them in there - as hard as it can be to find at times.

And dementia apps can be a great way of helping the person you know who is living with dementia. There's lots of useful technology out there now, which can help the person living with dementia to reconnect with themselves and the world around them. And there are also apps that can offer you advice when you need it.

So take a look at our pick of the best...

My House of Memories

An app from the National Museums Liverpool, this is designed to help people living with dementia to explore objects from the past. Although anyone can use it, it has been designed specifically with dementia patients in mind. Users can flick from objects and sounds from their school days, everyday life, notable figures or sports, to help them reminisce on the days they remember a bit better.

Free, available on iOS and Android

Get it here -

Alzheimer's Society's Talking Point forum

The Alzheimer's Society's own app is one of the most helpful out there. It gives access to a forum with tons of members who are either living with dementia, or are caring for someone who is battling it. It's a place where people can go to either vent frustrations, discuss practicalities, or just to get a supporting voice at the other end of the computer. Whatever it is you want to know or ask about dementia, this app can really help.

Free, available on iOS

Get it here -


RemindMeCare is an app that uses reminiscence therapy to get people with dementia talking about their memories.

It automatically pulls images of events, favourites places, films and music from the web to create a detailed multimedia profile of the person with dementia, after inputting details about them, such as their likes and dislikes, and when they were born, etc. Family members can also upload any information they think needs to be in their relative's profile. Using the app can help both the person with dementia and family members connect - when communication are difficult.


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MindMate can help people with dementia to be as independent as possible, for as long as possible. The app is three-fold. Firstly, it aims to help with self-management, then, it aims to support the person with dementia in every day life. And finally, MindMate was created, importantly, to increase the quality of life of the person living with dementia.

So how does it do that? The app contains a range of things that can help, including games to help stimulate your brain, reminders for things throughout the day in case forgotten, and the chance to watch and listen to films from the 40s, 50, 60s, 70s and 80s to enjoy.

Free on iOS and Android

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Remember Me!

This one is a bit different to the others, and specifically designed to help memory problems that arise as a result of dementia.

Most commonly, people with dementia can forgot the names and identities of those close to them, most often their loved ones. Remember Me! aims to tackle this with a GPS tracking device, which alerts patients when someone they know is nearby, and what their relationship is to them.

Alternatively, carers can use the app to remind patients about certain things, such as when to take medications, when to attend appointments, and when to make phone calls.

Free on iOS and Android

Get it here -

Amy Hunt

Amy Hunt is an experienced digital journalist specialising in homes, interiors and hobbies. She began her career working as the features assistant at woman&home magazine, before moving over to the digital side of the brand where she eventually became the Lifestyle Editor up until January 2022. Amy won the Digital Journalist of the Year award at the AOP Awards in 2019 for her work on