Instant Frozen Berry Sorbet Recipe

(253 ratings)

Instant Frozen Berry Sorbet
Total Time5 mins

Do you ever have nights when you really want something sweet after dinner but you’ve got nothing in the house? Give this easy dessert recipe a go next time your sweet tooth needs a fix.

Using ingredients that we generally have in the fridge and freezer anyway – like frozen berries, yogurt and maple syrup, this dessert is really easy and cheap to whip up in a hurry.

All you need to do is whack it all into a food processor and you’re good to go, so even if you’ve got unexpected guests it’s a great one to whiz up in a flash.

Berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants and they’re just as good for you when they’ve been frozen, so this dessert recipe will help you on your way to five a day.

Plus, if you use yogurt rather than cream it’s actually much better for you than ice cream – so you can pat yourself on the back for being so healthy in your dessert choice.

This recipe makes enough for four, but you can easily switch up the quantities if you’ve got more or less mouths to feed.



  1. Whiz the frozen berries with maple syrup and 125ml liquid of your choice, such as fruit juice, yogurt or cream, or you can even add part juice and part liqueur - we used apple juice but blood orange juice and a dash of Campari would work, a little elderflower cordial with Champagne, or half raspberry juice and half clotted cream.

  2. Serve straight away with some fresh fruit.


  • 300g frozen berries, plus extra fresh fruit to serve
  • 2tbsp maple syrup
  • 125ml fruit juice, yogurt or cream, or you could use part juice, part liqueur