Queen defends dog Candy after hearing she growled at guests

The Queen was surprised to discover that the Dorgi had behaved aggressively to her audience guests

Queen defends dog Candy after hearing she growled at guests
(Image credit: Getty)

The Queen has expressed surprise that her dog growled at two of her guests, insisting that the hostile behavior isn't typical of the royal canine. 

The Queen has expressed surprise that her dog growled at her guests during a royal engagement at Windsor Castle on Wednesday. 

Her Majesty greeted the incoming Defence Services Secretary, Major General Eldon Millar, and his predecessor, Rear Admiral James Macleod, yesterday morning for her first in-person audience since her recent Covid scare. 

The 95-year-old monarch appears to have dodged the virus after Prince Charles tested positive for a second time last week. He and Duchess Camilla, who has also caught Covid, are currently self-isolating. 

During the short meeting, the Queen was informed by her visitors that her dog, Candy, had shown mild hostility to their arrival in the hallway. The protective Dorgi, who also happens to be Her Majesty's eldest canine, apparently let out a "little growl" when she saw the two military officers—much to the British sovereign's surprise. 

Queen holds in-person audience

The Queen was surprised to hear her dog, Candy, had growled at her guests 

(Image credit: Getty)

"I've noticed you've got Candy keeping guard," MacLeod remarked, after congratulating the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee year. "When we came down the corridor she was not going to let us get anywhere near you." 

The two men then recalled how the 13-year-old Corgi had growled at them before they entered the Oak Room—a behavior that the Queen appeared genuinely shocked to hear.  

"Oh, really?" the monarch replied. "She doesn't normally growl." 

"She obviously can see through us," MacLeod joked. 

This isn't the first time that Candy has asserted her stubborn nature. She made headlines earlier this month, after interrupting the Queen's reflection on her Platinum Jubilee by waddling into the room uninvited. 

Queen and dog

The Queen playing with Candy after the sweet dog interrupted her 

(Image credit: Getty)

Her Majesty didn't seem too bothered by the disturbance, quipping, "And where did you come from?” as the adorable dog appeared before her. 

The Queen's resumption of royal duties this week coincides with the news that Prince Andrew's sex abuse case has been settled, after the disgraced royal agreed to pay his accuser, Virginia Giuffre, a reported sum of £10 million. 

It's understood that the Duke of York, who has been stripped of his royal patronages and military honors, will pay these damages using his mother's personal income. 

Emma Dooney
Lifestyle News Writer

Hailing from the lovely city of Dublin, Emma mainly covers the Royal Family and the entertainment world, as well as the occasional health and wellness feature. Always up for a good conversation, she has a passion for interviewing everyone from A-list celebrities to the local GP - or just about anyone who will chat to her, really.

Emma holds an MA in International Journalism from City, University of London, and a BA in English Literature from Trinity College Dublin.