The Later Life Lessons We Learnt Watching Finding Your Feet

Finding Your Feet is the feel-good film of the year, and not just because of its stellar cast (Joanna Lumley, Imelda Staunton, Timothy Spall and Celia Imrie, to name just a few...)

The film tells the story of 'Lady' Sandra Abbott (Staunton), who is forced to go live with her estranged sister, Bif (Imrie), after discovering her husband's affair with her best friend. The outgoing and spontaneous Bif drags Sandra along to her dance class, where she is coaxed out of her shell, and into a world of later life adventure... and romance.

Finding Your Feet is a glorious celebration of life at all stages, and explores both the joys and pain.

Here are the top things we learned from watching the film...

Its important to make the most of life

The central theme of the film is that life is fleeting, and we have to grasp it while we have it.

When Sandra discovers her husband's infidelity, she mourns the loss of the golden years she wanted to spend with him, and the life they had planned together.

What she discovers though, is that change brings new life, and isn't something to be afraid of, but embraced.

Dancing is great fun at ANY age

This seems like an obvious one, but we thought it was worth a reminder. Some of the best moments in the film are when the gang are dancing together, whether in their pyjamas at home or in front of a crowd at their dance show.

The sisters repair old wounds through dance - and they have a whole load of fun doing it!

Sex doesn't necessarily stop when you get older

You may already be well aware of this fact, but, in our opinion, this notion is under-represented in film.

Finding Your Feet has a refreshingly honest attitude towards sex at an older age. The characters discuss their sex lives as much as a younger person would, and show that it isn't a part of your life that shuts down at a certain age.

Love is possible, even after heartbreak

If there is one thing we took home after watching the film, it is that love is always a possibility, and not something you should try and avoid. Sandra suffers the heartbreak of her marriage breaking down, and it looks as though she has given up on love altogether.

However, with the help of her new friends, and a certain new man, she discovers this doesn't have to be the way...

Finding Your Feet hits UK cinemas on February 23rd.

Mollie worked as a junior reporter across Women’s Lifestyle brands, focusing on news, with a particular fascination with all things royal. 

Mollie started out doing work experience across digital websites, before taking up a role as a digital intern, working mainly on woman&home, where she excelled at sourcing original stories for the woman&home audience, but also wrote up fashion, beauty, and general lifestyle features.  She now works in marketing for a creative media recruitment company.

Mollie is a candle, film, and food fanatic, who also makes a mean margarita.