Deliciously Ella's Black Bean Burgers Recipe

(279 ratings)

Deliciously Ella's Black bean burgers
  • Vegetarian
Total Time10 mins

Deliciously Ella Every Day by Ella Woodward, out now published by Yellow Kite, £20. © Ella Woodward 2016. Photography © Clare Winfield.


  1. Put the beans in a large mixing bowl. Mash them with a fork until they’re pretty mushy, but not totally smooth; there should still be some whole beans in the mix.

  2. Stir in all the remaining ingredients, except the coconut oil.

  3. Heat a saucepan with a little coconut oil, then place 1 heaped tbsp of the mix into the centre of the pan. Shape it into a circle and then spread it out a little so it’s just 2cm thick. Repeat to form 4 burgers in the pan. Let the burgers cook for about 1 minute on each side, flipping them so that they cook on both sides.

  4. Then do the same thing with the remaining burger mixture, keeping the cooked burgers warm while you cook the rest.


  • 2 x 400g cans black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 100g gram flour
  • 3tbsp tomato purée
  • 2tbsp apple purée
  • 1tsp chilli powder
  • 2tsp tamari
  • 2tsp apple cider vinegar
  • juice of ½ lime
  • coconut oil, to shallow-fry
Top Tip for making Deliciously Ella's Black Bean Burgers

The apple purée might sound a weird ingredient, but don’t leave it out, it really helps stick the burgers together and it adds a delicious flavour!