Lynne Hyland

Lynne Hyland

Lynne has spent over two decades as a beauty journalist, trying out every possible treatment from top to toe. (Quite literally: she once had stem cells injected into her feet to regrow her cartilage.) 

She’s written for a host of titles, including Notebook, S, OK!, new!, Heat, the Mirror and the Express, and interviewed all sorts of famous folk about their beauty regime, from Joan Collins and Eva Longoria, to Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Beckham. Oh and there’s one particularly ‘special’ video of Michael Buble that will never be deleted from her camera roll - buy her a coffee and she’ll tell you the hilarious/humiliating story behind it.

Lynne spends her professional life testing out products designed to compensate for her genetic shortcomings: skinny hair, weak nails and ghostly skin being top of her complaints. Aesthetics is another of her passions. When she’s not trialling treatments in a bid to hold back the years, you’ll find her rolling her eyes at celebrities who claim their ageless skin is down to olive oil and early nights. Sure it is.

Away from the world of work, she’s a married mum of two, mad cat lady and unashamed power ballad fan. If there’s a cheesy retro night with blow-up air guitars, she’ll be there and drinking cider.