5 Things You Didn't Know About Julian Fellowes

Julian Fellowes

You may know him best as the man behind Downton Abbey, but there's more to Julian Fellowes than meets the eye. Not only is he also a director and actor, but Julian's latest exciting project is a publishing first. Belgravia is a story in 11 episodes published week by week, and in a thoroughly modern twist, is available as an app. Intrigued? Find out more about Belgravia here, and you could be eagerly awaiting the next installment of his novel from the comfort of your sofa...

But of course, it's a stellar career that has allowed the bestselling novelist to create his own app. Here are just a few things you never knew about Julian Fellowes...

1. He loved being a father... but had a secret ploy when left in charge

"If Emma was ever away, I'd invite myself to stay with someone who had young children. That way I knew Peregrine would be looked after. It made him quite a gregarious child."

2. He's had the builders in .. for seven years!

Despite being happy living in Chelsea in the past, he and his wife Emma moved to Dorset in 2002 "Like everyone else, we had a tick list and the house we bought ticked eight of ten of the boxes. However, we didn't know what we were in for in terms of restoring it, and now we've had builders for seven years!" 3. He's passionate about old houses

"Emma and I are both very house minded. We enjoying staying privately with friends but we also like paying our sixpence to go round stately homes. Over the last seven years we've spent most of our spare time making decisions about the restoration of our house in Dorset. It's been the joint project to end all joint projects."

4. He loves tracking down family heirlooms

"When it comes to spending money, I'm very interested in buying back things that belonged to my family. During the panic years of the 1902s and 1930s, many things were dispersed through terrible country house sales with everything going for nothing. So now, if anything ever comes up with a family association, I get it if I can."

5. He puts work ahead of travel or holidays

Unlike his wife Emma, that is, who he describes as a 'great traveller'. Julian says: "On the whole I just like to go somewhere and put my feet up but we do travel a bit, or rather we will when life returns to normal. Last year we didn't go away on holiday at all because we had quite a lot of work in New York."

Want to know even more about the man behind your favourite TV shows? Join us for a luxury evening of drinks and conversation with Julian Fellowes as he talks about his life and work at the luxurious 5* hotel, The Royal Horseguards. Get your tickets here...