stability ball

Break the bad habits of a lifetime with the help of The 30/30 Body Blueprint

Unlimited energy, easy weight loss and an inspiring life - sounds like the stuff of dreams doesn't it? But according to Tim Drummond and Phil Hawksworth, authors of the best-selling book The 30/30 Body Blueprint (Rethink Press; £12.77), all it takes is 30 minutes for 30 days to completely revolutionise your life.

The 30/30 Body Blueprint dismisses the idea that fitness and diet should rely on will power, and focuses instead on switching bad habits for positive ones. In the words of Tim and Phil, "Will power does not work in losing weight. Habits rule because they work with the way our brains are built, not against it."

Take 30 minutes every day to implement a practical change recommended by the Body Blueprint. After just 30 days, those changes will become habit.

From prioritising fats over carbohydrates in our daily diet, to switching cardio for weight lifting, healthy eating and effective exercise methods will become second nature. As a result, a healthier, fitter you will become a reality because you stopped seeing life in terms of punishing, short-term diets.

So set aside half an hour, and click through to see which changes you could make today...

Buy The 30/30 Body Blueprint (Rethink Press; £12.77)

Don't Rely On Will Power, Rely On Habit

Don't Rely On Will Power, Rely On Habit

Any regime that is based on will power will fail. This is because we always revert to our subconscious actions - our habits. We must change our bad habits to good ones. As Tim and Phil say, "We can understand our current habits through logging and observation, and then create new positive habits to break the old, negative habits. You will never stop doing something until you consciously create an alternative option." Start a log; it can be a food diary or workout journal depending on what new habits you are trying to instill. Then work out where you go wrong in the day, and prepare an alternative option.

Prioritise Fats Over Carbohydrates

Prioritise Fats Over Carbohydrates

Contrary to popular opinion, low-fat, high-carb diets are not the most effective way to lose weight. In fact, they could end up making you gain weight! As Tim and Phil say, "Protein and fat are the essential macronutrients that you absolutely cannot live without; you can live without carbohydrates." Carbohydrates increase the glucose levels in the blood, which then become stored as fat. Without carbohydrates, the body switches to a lipid-based metabolism (lipid = fat), which starts using fat as its primary energy source. So Tim and Phil recommend sticking to a diet of quality, real foods and fewer carbohydrates.

Only Eat Unprocessed Foods

Only Eat Unprocessed Foods

Grains (bread, pasta, rice, oats), sugar and vegetable oils are the key sources of bad food. Avoid them as much as possible and stick to natural alternatives that haven't been processed and are closest to their purest form. Build your diet around the following foods in their purest forms:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Dairy (in its natural state; so not milk)
  • Animal fats: butter, lard, tallow, etc.
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Coconut oil and olive oil

Change The Way You Eat

Change The Way You Eat

"Always sit down specifically to eat your meals," says Tim and Phil. "Don't sit at your desk or sofa." Also do as the Japanese do, and try putting down your knife and fork between each mouthful. It stops you from eating too fast, and gives leptin, the hormone that tells you when you are full, time to work. Focus on the tastes, smells and textures of what you are eating. Try counting it out; you should chew your food at least 10 times.

Write Down Your Life Story

(Image credit: REX/Martin Lee)

Write Down Your Life Story

Weightloss isn't all about calorie counting and exercise. In order to make it last, you have to make healthy eating a lifelong habit. Try writing down your life story, as if you were retelling it as an 80-year-old. Include: what is life like? What have you achieved? What are you proud of? What do you regret? Read it back and see what jumps out at you. This should make you more aware of what your core values and beliefs are. Then base your weight loss goals on these values. Don't say: 'I want to lose weight'. Say: 'I want to lose weight to gain confidence'.

Make A Plan

Make A Plan

It's time to smash down those obstacles that have stopped you from achieving your goals in the past. Grab a piece of paper, and divide it in to two columns. In the left hand column write: where you are now? In the right hand column write: where you want to be? Fill in each column, and think specifically about what's stopping you from transitioning from the left column to the right. Make a practical plan for tackling these obstacles.

Develop The Perfect Sleep Routine

Develop The Perfect Sleep Routine

Good sleep is essential to a healthy lifestyle. A lack of sleep can actually increase carbohydrate cravings by 45%, and undermine exercise the next day. Make a checklist and tick each of these off every night.

  1. Ensure you have a totally dark room, with blackout blinds if possible
  2. Turn all electronics off before going to sleep
  3. Be consistent in your sleep pattern
  4. Wake up gently by investing in an alarm that gets gradually louder
  5. Relax for 10 minutes before going to bed: stretch, have a bath, meditate or listen to relaxing music.

Target Cellulite

Target Cellulite

Cellulite is a sign that your detoxification pathways are not working properly. Your body is taking on toxins, and it needs to get rid of them. There's a number of things you can do to target the problem.

  • Drink at least a litre of water a day
  • Use saunas
  • Exercise regularly
  • Use supplements

Hit The Weights Room

Hit The Weights Room

It may seem daunting, but now 98% of personal fitness trainers encourage their female clients to lift weights because it's the most effective way to lose weight and tone up. It takes less time than cardio, and has a host of benefits including:

  • Increasing bone density
  • Relieving stress
  • Releasing 'feel good' hormones
  • Fat loss
  • Hormonal balance
  • Boosting metabolism
  • Increasing lean tissue
  • Burning more calories

Tim and Phil say, "prioritise strength training and relaxing exercise such as yoga. Then do one or two interval cardio training sessions per week if you want."